What’s in a name? Group Training Association of Victoria VET PLANNING AND RESEARCH NETWORK SEPTEMBER 2006
An ice cream man was found lying on the floor of his van covered with nuts & hundreds and thousands. The police assumed that he topped himself. An ice cream man was found lying on the floor of his van covered with nuts & hundreds and thousands. The police assumed that he topped himself.
Things are not always what they seem!Things are not always what they seem! Don’t stop at what we are called look at who we are and what we do…… Don’t stop at what we are called look at who we are and what we do……
Overview What you might know What you might know What you might not know What you might not know Research network Research network Research capacity Research capacity Research activity Research activity
GTA Vic – Some Facts Incorporated Association Operating for 21 years – statewide 22 full members, 4 service members, 5 associate members Annual turnover $3M+ 3 ft + 2 pt staff Specialist skills include: Advocacy & negotiation Policy and research Member services Network management IR Financial management SME experience NFP Governance
About The Network Largest member employs 1160 apprentices and trainees Smallest employs about 80 trainees Employs approximately 8,500 apprentices & trainees statewide Vic GTOs employ in all vocations GTOs are the largest employers of indigenous and disabled employees GTOs are the largest employers of school based apprentices 90% of Vic GTOs are RTOs Vic GTOs also operate Job Network, AACs, Youth Pathways, ATTP, PEPT, CRISP, MIPs etc
Research purposes Evidence base for GTA organisational and public policy development; Evidence base for GTA organisational and public policy development; Generating ‘heat’ around issues; Generating ‘heat’ around issues; Developing partnerships for future research and research dissemination; Developing partnerships for future research and research dissemination; Taking research to practical application – providing information and tools to our network and beyond. Taking research to practical application – providing information and tools to our network and beyond.
GROUP TRAINING Large Employers and SMEs Gov’ts National Network GTO Staff/Orgs RTOs Public and Private Research Orgs Employer& Employee Org Networks GTA - Research Network Apprentices & Trainees 30 – 50,000 contacts per year Multi - Industry GTO Networks Schools Regional/Rural Communities 8,500 Metro/Regional/Rural Multi - Industry 40,000+ Apprentices Multi - Industry NCVER Institutionally based Private Consultants Unions Incolink Industry Associations Itabs/NSC’s Statutory Authorities State and Com’wlth Multiple Departments
Areas of Interest Youth transitions to employment; Youth transitions to employment; Innovation in employment based training; Innovation in employment based training; Workforce Participation; Workforce Participation; Training infrastructure; Training infrastructure; Public and Private Investment investment in skill development; and Public and Private Investment investment in skill development; and Whole of Government skills initiatives. Whole of Government skills initiatives.
GTA VIC POLICY/RESEARCH PROJECTS – Core, allied and adjunct research and project areas. Projects and Partners GTAN R&DGTA LTD GTAN R&DGTA LTD Apprentice WellbeingPossible partners - Health Funds/Superannuation Funds/VTA Apprentice WellbeingPossible partners - Health Funds/Superannuation Funds/VTA Positive Recruitment Next StepDEST Positive Recruitment Next StepDEST Enhancing links with TAFEVTA Enhancing links with TAFEVTA Update Policy Framework and Research Prospectus Attract potential research partners/project funds Update Policy Framework and Research Prospectus Attract potential research partners/project funds Post Trade QualificationsVQA Post Trade QualificationsVQA Teacher PD in industryOLT Teacher PD in industryOLT Mapping the application of Pre Apprenticeship Credit OTTE Mapping the application of Pre Apprenticeship Credit OTTE Application of Pre Apprenticeship to New areasOWP;OTTE Application of Pre Apprenticeship to New areasOWP;OTTE Learning DisabilitiesOLT; OTTE Learning DisabilitiesOLT; OTTE Health Industry and Older WorkersOTTE; LGA;DEST Health Industry and Older WorkersOTTE; LGA;DEST ILC scoping projectIndigenous Land Council ILC scoping projectIndigenous Land Council VCAL in TAFEACFE VCAL in TAFEACFE Labour Hire ArrangementsWork Safe Labour Hire ArrangementsWork Safe Strategic Relevance New research scope for GTA New research scope for GTA Professional Learning Opportunities for members Professional Learning Opportunities for members Business opportunities for Members Business opportunities for Members GTA Vic research budget GTA Vic research budget Strategic alliances for GTA Strategic alliances for GTA Strengthening links into partner orgs and government Strengthening links into partner orgs and government Policy development /influence Policy development /influence
One ought every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words. Goethe, Apprenticeship