Erosion & Sediment Control
Wind Erosion Water Erosion
Who is required to obtain a permit? Any individual or entity involved in disturbing one acre or more of land is required to obtain a permit from OR- DEQ or its authorized agent At the local level, erosion permit requirements and/or ordinances can be stringent
Type of permits available NPDES, General 1200-C Permit (private individuals and entities in the construction business) NPDES, General 1200-CA Permit (Public Agencies only)
Common Question Can local agencies use ODOT’s permit? –No, local agencies cannot use ODOT’s CA permit –Local agencies should obtain a 1200-C/CA permit from OR-DEQ or its authorized agent (City, County, etc.) when working on a project with 1 or more acres of disturbance
How can I get a permit By filing an application with OR-DEQ or it’s authorized agent such as a city or a county Requirements: –Completed application –Signed LUCS* from the City or County –Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) –Fees * Land Use Compatibility Statement
How do I comply with permit requirements? Prepare a good ESC Plan –Consider location (proximity to waterways), soil conditions, topography, climatic conditions, time and duration of project, etc Implement the Plan –Prepare a schedule and implement measures as per schedule Inspect and maintain ESC measures as needed on a regular basis –Rely on knowledgeable inspectors and maintenance crew –Inspect measures before and after storm events
Basic Planning Considerations Prevention (Source Control) –Fit site construction to the terrain –Preserve natural vegetation to the extent possible –Time grading to minimize exposure –Phase work to limit disturbed area
Basic Planning Considerations Cont. Control Methods –Divert runoff away from work area –Cover exposed areas ASAP –Minimize length and steepness of slopes –Reduce runoff velocities –Prepare drainage ways and outlets –Trap sediment on site
Basic Planning Considerations Cont. Inspection, Maintenance, Documentation, and Reporting –Inspect measures in place after storm events –Replace or repair measures immediately or as soon as possible –Document inspection observations –Report/Retain documentation on site
Wind Erosion It is very important to consider dust controls (during summer months in the West and year round East of the Cascades) Project location dictates the need for the extent of dust controls (sensitive areas) –Near water bodies-Environmental Issues –Near residential homes-Health & Safety Issues –Near Highways-Safety Issues
Dust Control
Typical Dust Control Measures Vegetative cover Irrigation Mulch Spray-on adhesives
Mulch & Hydroseed
Spray-on adhesive
Water Erosion Important in Oregon (West of the Cascades) because of: –Climatic conditions (7-9 months of rain) –Water bodies (large numbers) –Topography (hilly terrain) –Types of Soils (significant amount of clay soils) –Amount of rainfall (average of 40”) –Fish & Aquatic resources
Temporary Slope Drain
Mulch & Hydroseed
Stabilized Construction Entrance
Storm Drain Inlet Protection
Soil Stabilization Blankets and Matting
Temporary Sediment Basin
ODOT:ESC-RESOURCES Standards & Specifications –Section ESC –Section Landscaping –Section Planting Erosion Control (EC) Manual –Guidance for internal & external staff ESC Processes ESC BMP’s ESC Design Guidelines
ODOT:ESC-Resources Erosion Control Field Manual –Simple and portable format of EC manual ESC BMP Guidance ESC Inspection Guidance Landscape Guidance Qualified Products List –List of ODOT approved ESC products Products have been reviewed by ODOT staff for ODOT applicability before they are put on the list Only products on this list should be used on ODOT projects unless otherwise approved by PM
ODOT Trainings Erosion and Sediment Control/Environmental Trainings offered every year Two or more training each year If there is enough interest more may be arranged
Raghu Namburi ODOT-Erosion and Landscape Program Coordinator Geo-Environmental Section 355 Capitol Street, NE, Suite 314A Salem, OR (503)