Loudoun County Public Schools Food Allergy Procedures Keeping Children Safe Prevention of Anaphylaxis
Considerations Safety procedures and practices closely follow the Food Allergy Network recommendations. Considerations in making individual accommodations.
Parent Responsibilities Alert school to allergy. Provide physician signed orders and medication. Complete other forms for food allergy. Attend meeting with school. Educate your child about his/her allergy. Provide up-to-date emergency contact information.
School Responsibilities Meet with parents. Identify core team. Provide accommodations to keep the child safe. Include student in all activities. Train staff about prevention, recognition, and response should anaphylaxis occur. Store medication. Notify parents of field trips, any classroom activities with food, after school activities.
When a Child with Food Allergy First Enters School Parent should contact principal or nurse. Nurse will obtain a history of allergy from parent. Meeting for discussion of health care plan and the needs of student. Nurse/health clinic assistant works with school staff. Training of staff who interact with the students.
Parent Meeting Discussion of child’s history of reactions to food. Accommodations needed for safety. Storage of epinephrine.
Role of Clinic in Food Allergy Collaboration with administrators and teachers to assure accommodations. Storage of epinephrine. Preparation for sending medication on the field trip.
Training of Staff Clinic personnel School staff Substitutes Cafeteria attendants Bus drivers
Staff Continuing Education Presentation by Dr. Loria Food Allergy Network Conference Dr. Robert Wood’s latest book-”Food Allergy for Dummies”
If a Reaction Should Occur The staff person would call or notify the clinic. Auto-injector will be given according to physician’s orders. EMS will be called. Parent will be notified. Plan will be reviewed to determine the cause of the reaction.
Classroom Food –Snacks –Parties –Projects –Field trips –Other celebrations
Bus Seating Notification of bus driver No eating rule Two-way radio Epinephrine on bus
Cafeteria Seating No food sharing Communication between clinic and cafeteria attendant Table Cleaning Eating cafeteria food