Statewide Transportation Improvement Program: Proposed Enhance Process for STIP Oregon Transportation Commission Meeting Presented by: Jerri Bohard, Transportation Development Division Administrator ODOT February 19, 2015
Enhance Review Process 2
January 2015 Enhance proposal period officially begins March 2015 Fix-It 150% lists available *May/June 2015 Anticipated time for OTC to make funding allocation decisions Timeline 3
August 3, 2015 Enhance proposals must be submitted by NOON ! August/October 2015 Region and ACTs develop 150% lists November 2015/March 2016 Scoping of Enhance 150% lists by Region in cooperation with the proposers Timeline 4
March/April 2016 Finalize 150% lists based on scoping process May/June 2016 ACTs develop 100% priorities for Super ACT July/August 2016 Super ACT completes 100% recommendation to OTC for Enhance – Region submits Enhance and Fix-It Lists to OTC Timeline 5
October 2016 OTC makes initial Enhance and Fix-It decisions November 2016/February 2017 ODOT conducts air quality conformity determinations January 2017 OTC releases draft STIP for public review Timeline 6
Questions for ACTs As the OTC works to find the right balance between Fix-It and Enhance, describe the relative system wide needs in your area of the state. Many of the likely scenarios for this STIP update could have less Enhance funds than the $72M/yr in the last update. If funding for Enhance is less, should the selection process be modified to account for the small amount of funding? A key role of the ACT is communicating transportation needs and issues in your local community. Share some of the ways your ACT has been successful in communicating the overall needs in transportation. 7