Self Esteem What is it and how do you get it?
Self Esteem is the way you feel about yourself.
People with healthy self esteem are confident do not get upset over criticism are mostly happy with themselves can learn from their mistakes do not need to put others down
To maintain healthy esteem forgive yourself for mistakes celebrate your achievements set achievable targets change the way you talk about yourself don’t compare yourself to others be realistic about weaknesses
People with low self esteem feel down on themselves feel like failures constantly doubt what they can do say negative things to themselves don’t try new things try to get even when angry blame others and are negative
To Improve Self Esteem try a new sport or activity join a school club make new friends develop a positive attitude volunteer to help others
How would you describe your self esteem? High? Medium? Low??? Not sure?????
If you aren’t sure, here are some things to look for Do you give compliments easily? Are you are happy for other’s accomplishments or successes? Do you bounce back from disappointments?
Or, Do you tend to be jealous of others? Do you get angry easily? Are you very sensitive and get your feelings hurt easily? Do you get very upset over criticism?
You may have low self esteem if … you are jealous of other people act negative or put other’s down are sensitive are upset by any criticism
Finally … Your self esteem will change over time. Your self esteem may change several times during a day. Try to keep a positive attitude to maintain a high self esteem.
Write down three things you can do to improve your self esteem.