Ed. 225
Row 1, Col 1 There is a discrepancy between ability and achievement. What is a part of the definition of Learning Disabilities?
1,2 Any item, piece of equipment, or produce system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. What is assistive technology?
1,3 Teaching students to use memory strategies What is an accommodation for a student with LD?
1,4 Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation. What is included in Bloom’s Taxonomy?
2,1 Below average IQ, problems in adaptive behavior, and manifested before the 18 th birthday. What is a cognitive impairment?
2,2 A student with limited or no ability to speak orally could benefit. What is a communication device?
2,3 Establish rules and consequences, catch students being good, use humor, and do not use threats. What are accommodations for students with EI?
2,4 Students from Sheldon Pines spent the day at Hope College, What is the Reverse Field Trip?
3,1 High ability, creative, and task completion. What is Renzulli’s definition of G&T?
3,2 Optical character reader What is AT for students with visual impairments?
3,3 Use Bloom’s levels 1 and 2 What are accommodations for students with CI?
3,4 NETS*T What are the National Education Technology Standards for Teachers?
4,1 Problems in the affective domain What is part of the definition of an emotional impairment?
4,2 Write-Outloud, Co-Writer and Draft Builder What is software for problems in written expression?
4,3 Provide opportunities for extended practice and application. What are accommodations for students with LD?
4,4 Visual perception, Auditory perception, Attention, Memory What are the basic psychological processes?
5,1 Includes autism, mental impairments, and severe disabilities. What are developmental disabilities?
5,2 An interactive white board that makes the curriculum accessible to all students. What is a SMARTBoard?
5,3 Content acceleration and Student acceleration What are accommodations for G & T students?
5,4 November 17, 2005 What is the date of test # 2?