Self-Esteem Unit Test Review Copy on the inside of the front cover of your self-esteem packet!
Unit Targets! I WILL….. Know the 5 key vocabulary words for this unit. Acknowledge what I currently value. Know the 7 ways to build self-esteem. I will know how my personal identity is established. Identify the 4 levels of the pyramid of success.
Unit Targets! I WILL… Name a high-performance individual and list the characteristics they have. Know how “the hand” relates to goal setting/self-esteem. Apply the goal setting process to establish new goals. See a true story of perseverance through “Rudy” by identifying positive character traits and values.
Short Answer Grading 5 pts! 5 Completely, accurately and legibly answers the questions with details/examples. 4 Answers the question with some detail. 3 Answers the question with minor inaccuracies with little explanation. 2 Attempts to answer the question but doesn’t know the answer. NO details! 1 OOPS!
1. How is personal identity tied to self-esteem? A.Because! Without it you have no self- esteem 2 pts. Did answer it but with no detail/examples.
1. How is personal identity tied to self-esteem? B. Identity is formed a lot of ways. Identity creates a feeling of how you feel about yourself without it your self-esteem isn’t consistent. 4 pts Good answer, some detail.
1. How is personal identity tied to self-esteem? C. Identity is formed by personality traits, physical traits, hopes, dreams, ideas. With anyone of those missing…someone is unable to have a sound self-esteem and could feel bad about themselves. 5 pts! Great Job! Good answer with example.
2. What does the pyramid say to you? A.It’s from Egypt! 1. OOPS!
2. What does the pyramid say to you? A.That the winners are on top! 2 pts- Answers part of the question. No examples/details.
2. What does the pyramid say to you? A.There are 4 levels of the pyramid. We all go through each level but what level are we at most of the time? This pyramid means that most people tend to slide by. Could be in school/ life/ relationships.etc. 5 pts! Great job again.
3. How does the hand relate to self- esteem? A.IDK OOPs!
3. How does the hand relate to self- esteem? A.Because Mr. Akers/ Franzke says so! 2 pts! Appears they don’t know full answer and has no details!
3. How does the hand relate to self- esteem? A.The hand relates to how you can be successful in life. It also represents strength! 4 pts! Answers the question. Provides an example. Little detail.
3. How does the hand relate to self- esteem? A.The hand relates to success/goals because each finger means something you have to do to be successful. With one finger missing you are unable to maximize your strength and reach your goals. The fist represents strength! 5 pts! Well done! Great answer.