3.1 Objectives Distinguish between Needs and Wants Establish the relationship between improved performance and the matching of workers’ needs to job activities Learn to assess Needs and Wants
3.2 Why Do People Work? “Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” Theodore Roosevelt
3.3 Why Do You Work? Write down some things you want or get from your job.
3.4 Your Assignment Meet The Crew
3.5 Workers as Individuals Each worker wants different things from his/her job An effective supervisor can take advantage of these individual differences
3.6 Social Different Levels of Need Basic Growth Self-esteem
3.7 Basic Needs Many can be satisfied by money— food, shelter, clothing Feel safe and comfortable in their working environment To be a contributing member of society To feel good about themselves
3.8 Social Needs Satisfy need for sharing thoughts and experiences Relationship to crew members Relationship to supervisor
3.9 Growth Needs Using/sharpening existing skills or developing new ones Increasing knowledge Unique to each individual Extend beyond workplace
3.10 Self-esteem Needs To be proud of who we are To have a worthy or meaningful purpose To receive recognition Unique to each individual—all the above points may not apply
3.11 Factors Affecting Needs Changes in home life New friends New skills Organizational changes Physical changes
3.12 Needs Cycle Worker With Several Needs Worker Develops Several Wants Motivated to obtain Strongest Want Obtains Want, Satisfies Strongest Need?
3.13 The Profile Exercise 3.2: Creating Your Profile
3.14 Profile my whole crew? You want me to do what?!?
3.15 Mental Profiles What they enjoy Things they say Requests they make Just keep some mental notes on:
3.16 The Rest of the Story “The Crew Strikes Back”
3.17 The Crew Profiles Exercise 3.3: Subordinate Profile
3.18 So, Now What? Categorize the results Identify the Needs Make honest efforts to satisfy them
3.19 Addressing Basic Needs Opportunities for overtime Explore advancement opportunities If not possible, make sure they know why
3.20 Addressing Social Needs Look for assignments that require a team effort Solitary activities should be avoided Is it work-related?
3.21 Addressing Growth Needs Learning new things Making decisions Developing skills Provide opportunities for
3.22 Addressing Self-esteem Needs Awards Personal recognition Special Opportunities
3.23 Needs/Wants/Productivity ?
3.24 Needs/Wants/Productivity Your Crew Patches/Wants Holes/Needs
3.25 Needs/Wants/Productivity Your Crew
3.26 Needs/Wants/Productivity Your Crew
3.27 Needs/Wants/Productivity Your Crew
3.28 Needs/Wants/Productivity Your Crew
3.29 Key Points While the organization wants four things from its workers, the workers may want any number of things from their jobs Wants differ between people and they change over time Wants are reflections of Needs, we do not always recognize our true Needs We strive to obtain things we hope will help satisfy our strongest need
3.30 What You Have Learned Distinguish between Needs and Wants Establish the relationship between matching of workers’ needs to job activities and improved performance Learn to assess Needs and Wants