New Mexico Health Care Takes On Diabetes
NMHCTOD Mission To serve as a public-private coalition that improves the health of New Mexicans who have diabetes and reduces the economic toll of the diabetes epidemic by: coordinating and integrating the activities of public and private diabetes organizations; coordinating and integrating the activities of public and private diabetes organizations; maintaining a statewide diabetes practice guideline; maintaining a statewide diabetes practice guideline; serving as a statewide developer, clearinghouse, and distribution center for current, practical resources related to the education, detection, treatment, and ultimately prevention of diabetes in New Mexico; and serving as a statewide developer, clearinghouse, and distribution center for current, practical resources related to the education, detection, treatment, and ultimately prevention of diabetes in New Mexico; and providing measurement of the status of New Mexico diabetes care and outcomes, providing measurement of the status of New Mexico diabetes care and outcomes, working with communities to meet their needs. working with communities to meet their needs.
Coalition Development Taking On Diabetes – national initiative AAIP/AHIP, Funding sources, Pharma New York, Kansas City, Albuquerque Albuquerque -> statewide project New Mexico Health Care Takes On Diabetes (NMHCTOD)
Infrastructure Leadership: Voluntary Board of Directors and Steering Committee, Contracted Executive Director Input from all stakeholders Membership: Health plans, NM DOH, QIO, ADA, diabetes care providers, local health agencies, medical/professional societies, community, and pharma that have a recognized constituency influencing diabetes and outcomes
Distinguished clinicians Current board members Jeremy Gleeson, M.D. President Jeremy Gleeson, M.D. President Eugene Sun, M.D. – Vice President Eugene Sun, M.D. – Vice President Norm White, M.D. – Treasurer Norm White, M.D. – Treasurer Steering Committee Bruce A. Mann, M.D., (chair) Norm White, M.D., Leslie Shainline, R.N., Pat Montoya, R.N., Julie Broyles, M.D., Eugene Sun, M.D., Jeremy Gleeson, M.D, Jeannette Velarde, M.D. Bruce A. Mann, M.D., (chair) Norm White, M.D., Leslie Shainline, R.N., Pat Montoya, R.N., Julie Broyles, M.D., Eugene Sun, M.D., Jeremy Gleeson, M.D, Jeannette Velarde, M.D. -
Partners and Opportunities BCBSNMPHP DOH LHP MedicaidMedicare UHCMHP
Key Focus Areas Initial: Too many guidelines single guideline Practical resource guide for people “in the trenches” Why Economies of Scale Think tank of experience, expertise, education Evolution: Focus on improving the “ABCs” plus other basic clinical measures
To…Single state guideline
Value Independent Survey 90% use NMHCTOD material 80% said reduces hassle because “one guideline” 75% use it with their patients
Lay Guideline 2009 English and Spanish
Practical Resources
Dissemination of information Through in-kind support by members with distribution channels: Medical Society, Primary Care Association, AAFP, ACP, Health Plans, Optometric Association, Public Health Association, Conference booths, Diabetes Advisory Council, DOH, and QIO and others...including pharmaceutical companies, but no pharma logos Presentations and conferences
3 On-line CME - Free
Summary Period: Last 12 Months April 2008 – March Months – hits = 327,105, pages = 79,692,
AWARDS Compendium International awards MarCom Awards – X 2 AVA Awards Local NM Podiatric Medical Association
Communication vehicles: General Meetings, Quarterly (excellent attendance) Web site ( Yearly Clinical Guideline (with national ADA approval)
Data Reports Valid measurement of population health: HEDIS® Data collection trended since 2000 Data collection trended since 2000 Provided by health plans end of June Provided by health plans end of June Data analysis and report by NMMRA – in-kind Data analysis and report by NMMRA – in-kind
Effectiveness HEDIS is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance
Toolkit Work Group Health Plans Professional Organizations UNM NM DOH SME as needed
Dilated Eye Exam Work Group Work Group – Health Plans, DPCP, NMPCA, NMMRA, UNM and professional organizations Developed and revised materials for both patients and providers Developed and revised materials for both patients and providers Partnering with Ben Archer Clinics/NMPCA Partnering with Ben Archer Clinics/NMPCA Received NEI renewal grant Received NEI renewal grant Connected with National Chronic Disease Directors Connected with National Chronic Disease Directors
Why successful Scope Size Commitment Collaboration with public and private sector In-kind support
Success Issues NMHCTOE - New Mexico Health Care Takes On Everything Other agendas Loss of focus – scope issues
Obstacles and Challenges Funding…Funding…Funding Availability of volunteer committee members Time Rural/Frontier state issues: Exposure, distribution, dissemination Health literacy, cultural limitations, and patient behavior Relative low level technology in many clinicians’ offices
Next Steps Collaboration ?
Contact information NMHCTOD web site – or Charm Lindblad – QUESTIONS