Legislative Branch Packet
Part 1 - Congress Term of Congress –Lasts 2 years, Begins January 3 rd of Every Odd Year Session of Congress –2 Sessions Each Term –Until WWII a Session Lasted 4 or 5 Months Adjourn –Officially End a Session, Requires Consent of Both Chambers Prorogue –President’s Power to Force Adjournment Special Session –President’s Power to Call Congress into Session Questions 1-7, page 265
How long is a Term of Congress? 1.1 Year 2.2 Years 3.3 Years 4.4 Years 5.5 Years 20
When does a term of Congress begin? 1.Different date every year. 2.Nov. 3 rd of every even year. 3.Nov. 3 rd of every odd year. 4.Jan. 3 rd of every even year. 5.Jan. 3 rd of every odd year. 20
How long does a session of Congress last? 1.1 Year 2.2 Years 3.6 months 4.Most of the Year 5.It is up to Congress to decide 20
The President’s power/authority to force adjournment of Congress is known as? 1.Forced Adjournment 2.Session Veto 3.Prorogue 4.Special Session 5.Termination 20
Participant Scores 400Participant 1 400Participant Participant Participant Participant 29
Fastest Responders (in seconds) 4.69Participant 5 5.8Participant Participant Participant Participant 26
Capitol Building / Congress
How does one know whether or not the House or Senate is in session? 1.Lights in the windows 2.News vans parked out front 3.The flag is flying 4.Pizza deliveries 5.Can’t tell 20
How many members of the H. of Reps.?
How many years is the term of a Representative? 1.1 Year 2.2 Years 3.3 Years 4.4 Years 5.5 Years 20
House of Representatives Size –435 Members Term –2 Years Number From Each State –Based on Population, 1/650,000 Qualifications –1. Must be 25 Years Old –2. Citizen for 7 Years –3. Must be Inhabitant of State Elected From
How many Representatives from each state? Based on Population 4.Same as Number of Senators 5.None of the above 20
Why isn’t Jack qualified to run in Florida for the House? 1.He is 34 years old 2.He was born in California 3.His parents are not US citizens 4.He has only been a citizen for 6 years 5.He has only lived in the US for 13 years 20
PartySeatsPopular Vote /− %Vote %+/− Democratic Party %42,082, %+5.4% Republican Party232202−3046.4%35,674, %–5.1% Independents10−10220,8420.3%-0.3% Others00002,997,5763.6%+0.0% Total %80,975, %0 Voter turnout: 36.8 % Source: Election Statistics - Office of the ClerkElection Statistics - Office of the Clerk
House of Representatives Apportioned –Distribution of Seats Based on Population Reapportioned –Seats Redistributed after 10 Year Census Reapportionment Act of 1929 –Capped Seats at 435 Off-Year Elections –Non-Presidential Election Year, Poor Turnout, 2006 – 38.6% Single Member District –McNerney Represents our District At-Large Election –Representatives Elected by Entire State Gerrymandering –State Legislatures Unfairly Drawing District Lines to Benefit Majority Party
What would cause a state to lose Representatives in the House? 1.A treasonous act 2.Failure of Representatives to vote 3.A population drop 4.White House party change 5.None of the above 20
How often are seats in the House reapportioned? 20 1.Every 2 years 2.Every 4 years 3.Every 5 years 4.Every 10 years 5.After every presidential election
Gerrymandering of district lines is done by…? 1.State Legislatures 2.State Attorneys 3.State Governors 4.City Councils 5.City Mayors 20
Post – 2008 Election Election Results Questions 1-6, Page 273
US Senate Size –100 members Term –6 years Number From Each State –2 per state Qualifications –1. Must be 30 Years Old –2. Citizen for 9 Years –3. Must be Inhabitant of State
US Senate Live
US Senate AffiliationMembersNote Democratic Party49 Republican Party49 Independent2 Bernie SandersBernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman caucus with the Democrats.Joe Lieberman Majority51 The Democratic Caucus (51 members) is in the majority.Democratic Caucus Total100
Post – 2008 Election Election Results Senate Debate
Committee Room
How Congress Operates (10:01)
US Senate Continuous Body –1/3 of its’ membership is ever up for election Constituencies –The people they represent, entire state 17th Amendment, 1913 –Changed election procedures. –Before – Chosen by state legislatures –Now – elected by voters Salary - $162,000 / year You Tube, Jerry McNerney – District 11 Questions 1-6, page 278
Congressional Powers Three Types of Powers –Expressed Powers Explicitly Stated in the Constitution –Implied Powers Reasonably Deduced from Expressed Powers –Inherent Powers Powers that Sovereign Nations Naturally Possess –Ex. Power to protect the nation against rebellion
Expressed Powers 1. The Power to Tax 2. The Borrowing Power 3. The Commerce Power 4. The Currency Power 5. The Bankruptcy Power 6. Foreign Relations Power 7. War Powers 8. Naturalization 9. The Postal Power 10. Copyrights and Patents 11. Weights and Measures 12. Power Over Territories and Other Areas 13. Judicial Powers See pages for a discussion of the above.
Power to Tax
Bankruptcy Power
Implied Powers Made Possible by the “Necessary and Proper Clause” “To make all laws that shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Office thereof.” -Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 Strict Constructionist v. Liberal Constructionist
Roe v. Wade How is it that the Constitution gives authority to the Federal Government to regulate abortion? impliedRight to Privacy which is implied by 4 th Amendment Search and Seizure protections and …
Liberal v. Strict Constructionists
Non-Legislative Powers 1. Constitutional Amendments 2. Electoral Duties –House Chooses a President if None Receives 270 Electoral College Votes 3. Impeachment 4. Executive Powers –a. Senate Approves Appointments –b. Senate Approves Treaties 5. Investigatory Power
Constitutional Amendments
Investigatory Power Students Being Questioned about a School Shooting in Kentucky.
Homework Study for Final Test - Complete Text Assignment and Packet **Extra Credit** Think of a law appropriate to present to the US Congress. Develop a Proposal. Sell it to the class. Present the day of the Final Exam, given time. Turn in write up.