Team Hi-Voltage
Cart Material: High Density Polyethelene (HDPE) Prototyping: Machining: Cut block to size, drill and tap holes for axles. Small Volume: Machining: Cut block to size, drill and tap holes for axles. Large Volume: Injection molding: Tap holes for axles.
Wheels Material: ABS Plastic Prototyping: Machining: Cut dowel to width of wheel, drill hole for axle. Small Volume: Machining: Cut dowel to width of wheel, drill hole for axle. Large Volume: Injection molding
Axle Material: Sholder Screw McMaster Carr Part# 91259A537 Prototyping: Screw into hole in cart. Small Volume: Screw into hole in cart. Large Volume: Screw into hole in cart.
Runner/Track Material: 1/8” Thick Cold Rolled Steel Prototyping: Weld pre-made C-Channel to a base plate. Small Volume: Bend into shape using press or brake. Large Volume: Bend into shape using press or brake, extrude/draw.
End Plates Material: 1/8” Thick Cold Rolled Steel Prototyping: Machining: Cut to size Waterjet Small Volume: Machining Waterjet Punch Large Volume: Machining Punch
Ramps Material: Rubber/Urethane Prototyping: Machining: Cut to size Shape: bandsaw, table saw Small Volume: Machining Injection molding Large Volume: Injection molding
Receptacle Material: High Density Plastic (Body) Tin Plated Brass (Terminals) Rubber (Insulation) Prototype manufacturing: Water Jet (Body) Machining (Terminals, insulation) Mass Production manufacturing: Injection molding (Body) Machining (Terminals, insulation)
Arm Material: Stainless Steel or Aluminum Plastic Prototype manufacturing: Machining, welding, casting (Metal) 3-D printing, injection molding, Laser cutting, Machining (Plastic) Mass Production manufacturing: Injection molding (Body) Machining (Terminals, insulation)
Funnel Material: Stainless steel Pros: Stain resistant and won’t crack or break over time. Cons: Can be a bit expensive. Plastic Pros: Cheap Cons: an lose strength over time and crack. Easily stained. Galvanized steel Pros: Non-corrosive. Can be recycled and reused. Cons: High Initial Cost. Prototype manufacturing: Machining, casting, water jet (Steel) Laser cutting, machining, injection molding (Plastic) Mass Production manufacturing: Injection molding Die casting
Plug Materials: Non-Corrosive brass (Terminals) Prototype manufacturing: Machining (Terminals, insulation) Mass Production manufacturing: Injection molding Machining (Terminals, insulation)