September 4, 2014 What is Communicative Arts!? Define culture Define POP culture Identify “Mass Media” Activity Value Sort …by decade …with specifics
September 4, 2014 List your top 10 mass media influencers for 2014 Activity Mind-Map with specific examples
Although in some ways postmodern forms of communication, such as , MTV, and CNN, have helped citizens participate in global life, in what ways might these forms harm more traditional or native cultures?
September 5, 2014 Double check the seating chart… Media GOATs Media Literacy Critical Process Table 1 Alanis Piorkowki Heidi Lopez Adrian Correa Kadison Bailey Table 2Sam Kehoe Precious Atafua Colin Overturf Dennis Beard Table 3 Adriana Cardona Susana Cervantes Rose Chamroeun Jeramee Lasick Table 4 Jeremiah Gallardo Andrey Khmara Natasha Lassak Colt Carroll Table 5 Table 6 Abubakar Aba Anel Reyes Rene Roman- Herrera Justin Waldenstrom Table 7 Andy Velazquez Brady Williams Robert Woodworth Satnam Mangat
Greatest Of All Time On your pop culture chart from yesterday, make four different lists of top 10: 1.Top 10 movies OF ALL TIME 2.Top 10 TV shows OF ALL TIME 3.Top 10 songs OF ALL TIME 4.Top 10 most successful ad campaigns OF ALL TIME Caveats American culture “of all time” means within your knowledge Focus: not on what YOU ‘like’ but on what has had a major influence on pop culture
Answer one of the following on each post-it note. Write your name on the back (sticky side) 1.Using music or television as an example, identify a performer or program you once liked but began to dislike as you got older and your tastes changed. Why do you think this happened? Do you think your early interest in popular television or music have had an impact on shaping your identity? Briefly explain. 1.Pick an example of a popular media product that you think is harmful to children. Should the product be removed from circulation? Why or why not? To become literate about media involves striking a balance between taking a critical position (developing knowledgeable interpretations and judgments) and becoming tolerant of diverse forms of expression (appreciating a variety of cultural products).
Description Paying close attention, taking notes, and researching the subject of study If we decide to focus on how well the news media serve democracy, we might critique the fairness of several programs or individual stories from 60 minutes or the New York Times. We start by describing the programs or articles, accounting for their reporting strategies, and noting what persona are featured as interview subjects. We might further identify central characters, conflicts, topics, and themes. From the notes taken at this state, we can begin comparing what we have found to other stories on similar topics. We can also document what we think is missing from these account – the questions, viewpoints, and persons that were not included –and other ways to tell the story.
September 8, 2014 check the seating chart… Syllabus, class intro Critical Approach -4 steps Animated TV shows
September 9, 2014 Turn in yellow syllabus to black tray Any time between now and Monday Critical Approach -4 steps Review, highlight Animated TV shows: South park and Simpsons Daytime Talk shows Montell, Salle, Dr Phil Make a critical case either defending or condemning Comedy Central’s South Park or The Simpsons. Use the four-step critical process to develop your position.
September 10, 2014 Turn in yellow syllabus to black tray Any time between now and Monday Critical Approach -4 steps daytime talk shows Pick four to describe, analyze, and interpret. We will write an evaluation as a class
September 11, 2014 Double check seating chart (some changes) Table 1Alanis PiorkowkiHeidi LopezKadison Bailey Table 2Sam KehoeColt CarrollColin Overturf Table 3Adriana CardonaSusana CervantesRose Chamroeun Table 4Jeremiah GallardoAndrey KhmaraNatasha Lassak Table 5Brady WilliamsAdrian CorreaSatnam Mangat Table 6Justin WaldenstromAnel ReyesRene Roman-Herrera Table 7Dennis BeardPrecious AtafuaJeramee Lasick 1.Turn in signed syllabus (if you haven’t yet) 2.Review Critical Process for daytime talk shows: 1.Jerry Springer 2.Sally Jesse Raphel 3.Tyra Banks 4.Dr. Phil 5.Oprah 3.Evaluate as a table group: Quality, Trash, or in Dispute (your table doesn’t agree) 4.Write up evaluation Talk Show Evaluation Assignment: 40 points In a paragraph of about 8-10 sentences, write a critical review of one of the day time talk shows you listed as “quality.” Write for an audience who is unfamiliar with the show, host, and subject(s). Include notes from your description, analysis and interpretation. Due Friday 09/12/14
September 12, 2014 Double check seating chart (some changes) Table 1Alanis PiorkowkiHeidi LopezKadison Bailey Table 2Sam KehoeColt CarrollColin Overturf Table 3Adriana CardonaSusana CervantesRose Chamroeun Table 4Jeremiah GallardoAndrey KhmaraNatasha Lassak Table 5Brady WilliamsAdrian CorreaSatnam Mangat Table 6Justin WaldenstromAnel ReyesRene Roman-Herrera Table 7Dennis BeardPrecious AtafuaJeramee Lasick 1.Continue Talk Show Evaluation Assignment –in groups 2.What changes need to be made to the following news programs? 1.Rachel Maddow 2.O’Reily 3.Larry King 4.Nancy Grace 5.Hardball 6.Meet the Press Changes What changes need to be made to the foll