Nineveh Repents & God Forgives May 20 th, 2012
Jonah in Nineveh
How The People of Nineveh Respond 1)They believed God. 2)They declared a fast and repented in sackcloth and ashes.
King Issues Decrees: 1st Decree: The fast is to be greatly intensified. 2nd Decree: All people and animals are to cover themselves in sackcloth. 3rd Decree: All people are to call urgently to God (Elohim) for mercy and forgiveness. 4th Decree: All people are called to ‘turn’ from their wickedness. 5th Decree: All people are to hope that God will relent and show compassion.
What is God’s Response to the People of Nineveh? 1) God saw their humility in repentance. 2) God saw their ‘turnaround’. 3) God had compassion on the people of Nineveh and withheld the destruction he had forewarned.
What does God reveal to us about Himself? 1) God reveals that getting right with him requires humanity to repent of their wickedness.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
What does God reveal to us about Himself? 2) God reveals that through repentance forgiveness is available to all people – regardless of past wickedness.
What does God reveal to us about Himself? 3) God reveals that he is a compassionate, loving, gracious God.
Requirements of True Repentance 1) True repentance requires obedience to the faithful, biblical preaching of God’s Word.
Requirements of True Repentance 2) True repentance requires belief in God and what God says.
Requirements of True Repentance 3) True repentance requires us to be broken, contrite & biblically sorrowful over our own wickedness and sin.
Requirements of True Repentance 4) True repentance requires a ‘turnaround’ from…. living our way to living God’s way.