2013 Intel ISEF Educator Academy Phoenix, Arizona Action Plan – 1
What do you want to accomplish Promote student interest to scientific research Increase school participation in fairs at regional, national and international level (quantity and quality projects ) Who is going to do what The Ministry of Education and Fundación Honduras Investiga along with SEPLAN will implement teachers training program on how to integrate scientific research in their teaching methodology. Fundación Honduras Investiga along with SEPLAN will develop the first Regional Fair Process (Region 1). SEPLAN will continue to develop the 2 nd Annual National Science Fair. When is it going to get done Regional and National Science Fairs will take place once a year. Teacher training program will take place twice a year. What resources do you need for your plan Government and external cooperation financing. Continuous teacher training program. Private Sector Sponsorship.
3 Long term goals ◦ Improve quality of Scientific Fairs projects ◦ Increase participation of projects in the National Science Fair. ◦ Pass a national decree to institutionalize the National Science Fair ◦ Institutionalize management of science fairs and science programs in schools at regional and national level ◦ standardize processes in all levels– institutional- regional- national of the National Science Fair Short term goals ◦ Train teachers on how to integrate scientific research in their teaching methodology ◦ Implementation of regional science fairs at least in one region for ◦ Participate in international science fairs
4 How will you know you succeeded? For 2013 competition, the number of teachers trained increases. For 2013 competition, the number of high schools participating in the NSF doubles in number. Science research becomes formal activity during the school year in the school calendar. For 2014, Honduras participates in ISEF. In 2013, realization of at least one regional science fair. A Presidential decree is passed which ensures Government financing and institutionalization of the National Science Fair.
5 Results we want to see: Projects participating in the National Science Fair increases 25% (per year) over a three-year period Sponsorship for the Regional and National Science Fairs from the private sector increases at least 15% every year. Systemic extracurriculum changes underway; 50 teachers trained per year in the teacher training program that integrates scientific research in their teaching methodology. Government through Ministry of Education or SEPLAN commits an annual budget for National and Regional Science Fairs and teacher training program.
6 ActionMeasure of SuccessWho's ResponsibleBy WhenStatusNotes Start an apropiate process of promotion and development of science fairs in each of the 16 regions of the country, implementing a training program for teachers and students that will improve the quantity and quality of the projects submitted. Phase I: Sign a collaboration agreement between Secretary of Planning and External Cooperation (SEPLAN ) and Secretary of Education (SE) Collaboration Agreement SignedSEPLANAugust % Elaboration of a national trainning program, work schedule and budget required for its implementation.Document elaboratedSEPLAN, SEFebruary % Preparation of policy guidelines and tools to implementDocument elaboratedSEPLAN, SEMay % Development of a national program of promotion and socializationProgram developed and implementedSEPLAN, SEDecember % Phase II: Implementation of the Training ProgramTotal of teachers trainnedSE, SEPLANOngoing15% Phase III and IV: Implementation of the Regional and National Science Fairs based on the new regulations and general guidelines developedRegionals and National Science Fair developedSEPLAN, SEDecember % The National Science Fair was implemented during October 2012 and will be held anually. Sign a collaboration agreement between Secretary of Planning and External collaboration (SEPLAN) and Fundacion Honduras Investiga (FHI) as a strategic alliance to implement teacher training programs and the regional science and techology fair and all the activities that pertain to it, in the northern region of the country.Collaboration Agreement SignedSEPLAN,FHI % The First Regional Science Fair will be held on September 2013.
7 Beneficial Shops ◦ Fundraising tools and resources ◦ How to deal with media ◦ Learning more about STEM ◦ Ethics - to be taken in consideration in Science Fairs and its processes. ◦ Educational programs provided by INTEL for teacher and student training. What impressed us the most: ◦ Having to experience personally what INTEL ISEF and all its component are really about, its more than a Science Fair.
8 Key Learning ◦ Lessons, advices, solutions and new ideas to improve our Science Fair. ◦ New ideas in the creation of new programs to promote science. ◦ Idea exchange between other countries. ◦ Building alliances with other countries. What needs improvement ◦ The Scientific Review Committee Presentation should be longer, more detailed.
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