Part VIII Habit 6 Synergize 1+1=3 Synergize 1+1=3
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Hellen Keller pP0 pP0
What does “Synergize” mean? Synergy is achieved when two or more people work together to create a better solution than either could alone. It’s not your way or my way but a better way, a higher way.
What synergy is not… Synergy is:Synergy is not: Celebrating differencesTolerating differences TeamworkWorking independently Open-mindedness Thinking you’re always right Finding new & better waysCompromise
Synergy is everywhere in nature Read page 183
Celebrating Differences Synergy is a process: Step 1 is to celebrate differences. P What do you think of when you hear the word diversity?
Dr. Seuss sums it up well We see them come. We see them go. Some are fast. And some are slow. Some are high. And some are low. Not one of them Is like another. Don’t ask us why. Go ask your mother.
The world is a melting pot of culture, races, religion, and ideas. You have an important decision to make and there are 3 possibilities: Level 1: Shun diversity Level 2: Tolerate diversity Level 3: Celebrate diversity (I like to call it “embrace” diversity.
We are all a minority of one “We are as different from one another on the inside of our heads as we appear to be different from one another on the outside of our heads.” Robert Fulghum We learn differently. We see differently. We have different styles, traits, and characteristics.
UXdrl9ch_Q Roadblocks to celebrating diversity Ignorance: Clueless, don’t know what other people believe, how they feel, or what they’ve been through. Read page 190
Roadblocks continued Cliques: Becomes a problem when your group becomes exclusive and they reject everyone who isn’t just like them. Prejudices: Stereotypes, labeled, or pre-judged for any number of reasons. Read Natarsha’s experience: page 191 We aren’t born with prejudices. They are learned.
From the musical South Pacific You’ve got to be Carefully taught. VI Read The Cold Within Page 192
Sticking UP For Diversity Fortunately, the world is full of people who are warm within and who value diversity. Bill Sanders sticks up for diversity: page 193
Finding the “High” Way Once you’ve bought into the idea that differences are a strength and not a weakness…. Once you’re committed to trying to celebrate differences… You are ready to find the High Way.
Synergy is more than compromise or cooperation. Compromise is =1 ½ Cooperation is = 2 Synergy is 1 + 1= 3 or more. It’s creative cooperation, with an emphasis on the word CREATIVE.
Finding the High Way produces more. Laney discovered: page 194
ACTION PLAN Define the Problem or Opportunity THEIR WAY: (seeK first to understand the ideas of others) MY WAY: (seek to be understood by sharing your ideas.) BRAINSTORM: (Create new options and ideas) High Way: (Find the best solution.) Try It: Page
Example Page 197
Coming Attractions You will find out why Michelle Pfeiffer and Taylor Swift look like a million bucks. We are almost done!