Basic Outline The basic structure of informative and research writing consists of: Cover Page Introduction Body Summary Reference Page
I. Cover Page APA style paper All margins one inch Header and page number, right top Use 12 point font for all words Double space Center everything, cover page Insert your paper title, upper half Indicate full student name, date and course title, lower half
II. Introduction ( Tell them what your going to tell them ) A. Attention getter Get our attention; give us a reason to read your paper; what is your interest in the topic B. Research or thesis statement A sentence (or two) that tells us what the paper is about; the main idea C. Preview of main point(s) Preview each of the main points in advance The Introduction should get our attention; it should create enough interest that the reader wants to continue to read. Make sure that the reader knows what he/she will be reading in your paper (the Research Statement) by providing the main idea. Also be sure to Preview the main point(s) that the reader will be reading in the body of the paper. Thus, complete the introduction last.
The body is the entrée of your paper, three to five pages A. Main point 1 B. Main point 2 C. Main point 3 The Body includes the main point or points that you would like to present to the reader. Supporting evidence would include ideas, facts, statistics, examples or illustrations of your main points. The main points should be in the same order that you previewed them in your introduction. (In addition, to help the reader move from one paragraph to another add transitions, connectives, internal previews and summaries, as well as to indicate important topics (signposts)). III. Body ( Tell them )
A. Review of main point(s) Remind us of what we read; review each of the main points again; analyze what you have learned as a result of your research B. Rephrase research statement Rephrase or summarize the main ideas and points C. Conclusion State your conclusion/decision/ recommendation in this section and a cause to action or finalize IV. Summary ( Tell them what told them )
V. Reference Page A. Use APA reference style References flush left for first line – second line indent 5 spaces, double space Author’s last name and never spell out the author’s first name - only initials. Review proper reference sources by going to MPTC library website at: uces.shtml uces.shtml