Google Forms
On your ASUrite homepage, select the My Docs link in the Quick Links box. 1.
On the documents page, select Create New > Form2.
Begin filling in your information. Title of form, subheading, and questions. 3.
To add questions or header information, select the Add Item button, or hover over question area and select the pencil icon 4.
To add questions based on a response of a multiple choice question, select Multiple choice as the Question Type and check Go to page based on answer. Then select Page break under the Add item menu to create a new page. Add as many pages as you need to create your question sub-sets. 5.
Adding questions based on a response of a multiple choice question, continued. 6. Indicate what pages you want the multiple choice answers to go to. Add questions to the pages you just created. For example, Independent artist and Community member do not need to answer the set of questions specific to Institutional affiliation – by selecting those options users skip to the next set of questions located on page 3.
To view form, click the link at the bottom of page.7.
To edit confirmation text and embed form onto a blog or website select the More actions button 8.
To send out form simply click the this form button9.
To view your responses to a form in a spreadsheet or summary format, click the See responses button 10.