ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
Many people with disabilities are unable to access information on websites because of a variety of barriers that exist. In this presentation I will discuss the concepts surrounding accessible Web Design and the current initiatives to increase the accessibility of the Unified Government Website.
ADA REQUIREMENTS A text equivalent shall be provided for every non-text element such as buttons, images, and audio and video by the use of alt tag or description. Example of UG Accomplishment: Alt tags and descriptions are used on all images and non- text elements. Captioning for any multimedia presentations, such as video, shall be synchronized with the presentation. Example of UG Accomplishment: Departments provide audio to text. ALT TAG VIDEO
ADA REQUIREMENTS Web pages shall be designed so that all information suggested with color is also offered without color. Example of UG Accomplishment: No items are identified by color. EXAMPLE: Documents shall be managed so they are legible without requiring an associated style sheet. Example of UG Accomplishment: Documents are not associated with the style sheet being used to manage our site. Row and column headers shall be recognized for data tables. Markup shall be used to relate data cells and header cells for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers. Example of UG Accomplishment: We will be performing a sweep of the site due to content editors having the ability to update their sites and create tables. EXAMPLE:
Frames shall be titled with the text that facilitates frame identification and navigation. Example of UG Accomplishment: Frames are not utilized on our site. EXAMPLE: Pages shall be designed to avoid causing the screen to flicker. Example of UG Accomplishment: Slideshow rotate 4 seconds apart. ADA REQUIREMENTS Frame Rotating Slideshow
A text only page, with corresponding information or functionality shall be provided when fulfillment can’t be accomplished in any other way. Content shall be updated. Example of UG Accomplishment: A Text Accessible Navigation page is present and available for users. When a web page requires that an applet, plug-in or other application be present, the page must provide a link to a plug-in or applet. Example of UG Accomplishment: Links are provided for applets and plug ins whenever needed. ADA REQUIREMENTS Link
When electronic forms are created to be completed online, the form shall allow users to access the information, fields, and functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues. Example of UG Accomplishment: Forms provide direction for completion and submission. A technique shall be provided that allows users to skip recurring navigation links. Example of UG Accomplishment: Department links are provided on related pages to avoid redundant links. ADA REQUIREMENTS Tag provides cue for completion of form Department homepage link Department links
When a timed response is involved, the user shall be altered and given ample time to indicate additional time is needed. Example of UG Accomplishment: Timed responses are not being used to the best of my knowledge. Questions? ADA REQUIREMENTS