in vegetables
World Marketing Conference Field Marketing Workshop 13 th January 2015 Team Name: ARAVA INNOVATION Team Number: 3 Team Concept: Renewable Energy & Food Security in vegetables
Sites Visited Marketing message of Sites visitedSites Growth into the area. Growing the economy. Increasing tourism. Increasing export and import. Ramon Airport Food Security. Increasing food production through technology and innovation Southern Arava R&D Renewable Energy: Using the local resources (i.e. Sun and land) to produce energy Regional Center for Science & Renewable Energy Eco tourism and education for sustainability Kibbutz Lotan Solar energy and off- grid solutions for Israel and the third world Kibbutz Ketura Increase tourism, employment opportunities for the region Timna Park
Marketing Strategy The Arava is at the forefront of Food Security and Renewable Technology To sustainably grow and develop the Southern Arava – Increase population – Employment opportunities – Tourism and trade How KKL-JNF is instrumental
Marketing Strategy - SWOT 7 OT STRENGTHS Contributing to solution of real global issues (food, hunger and environomn), Enhancing the lives of Israelis. Increasing aliya to Arava, Developing the desert, Conserving the environment, Sustainable tourism, Sustainability and Continuity, Conservation, Green vision with human as the focus Agriculture on the border S W WEAKNESSES Distance of Arava, Getting young people to the area, Losing talent, not enough people for critical infrastructure, competition from cities, Lack of government support OPPORTUNITIES New airport, new technologies, startups, Sun Valley THREATS Security problems, No funding
Market Analysis Target market(s): Donors from around the world who want to invest in a better future and a better world Distinguishing characteristics of the market(s): May skew younger May open opportunities to gain new donors (both Jewish and non-jewish) Size of the market(s): MASSIVE
Branding Your clear, unique message: – Arava Innovation – Food Security and Renwable Energy – Benefits Israel and the world – Support from KKL/JNF is instrumental Motivation of your audience(s) to donate – People who want to make a difference (Tikkun Olam)
Integrated Marketing