SAFETEA-LU Signed August 10, 2005 Created CBI program from Border/Corridor discretionary program from TEA-21 Authorized a total of $14.47 billion for Texas, about $211.8 million for CBI
SAFETEA-LU Criteria within 100 miles of a border For – Improvements to existing infrastructure Construction of highways, safety related to international trade Operational improvements, including ITS
SAFETEA-LU Criteria (con’t) Modifications to regulatory procedures International coordination of transportation planning, programming, and border operation Federal share generally 80%
SAFETEA-LU Formula Funds apportioned among border states based on factors related to the movement of people and goods through the land border ports of entry within the boundaries of the State
SAFETEA-LU Formula 20% - # of incoming commercial trucks 30% - # of incoming personal motor vehicles & buses 25% - weight of incoming cargo by commercial trucks 25% - # of land border POE
Texas TEA Convened working group in Oct Invited representatives from TxDOT districts and MPOs within 100 miles of Texas/Mexico border
Working Group TxDOT Districts El Paso Odessa Laredo San Antonio Pharr Corpus Christi San Angelo Austin Texas MPOs El Paso Laredo Harlingen-San Benito Brownsville Hidalgo
Meeting Discussion Centered around – proximity requirements and formula for distribution among the districts
Texas’ Formula Same as the Federal except for use of border crossings vs. port of entry 20% # of incoming commercial trucks 30% # of incoming personal motor vehicles & buses 25% weight of incoming cargo by commercial trucks 25% # of border crossing points
20%30%25% City TxDOT Distric t Incoming Trucks (#) 1 % Incoming Personal Vehicles & Buses (#) 1 % Weight (short ton) 2 % Land Border Crossing s (#) 3 #/% of Crossings per TxDOT District 3 Total % El Paso 719,545 14,834,757 3,618, FabensEl Paso023.9%651, %018.7%2726.9%26.788% PresidioEl Paso7, , , Del RioLaredo64,061 1,882, , Eagle PassLaredo100, %3,581, %629, %2830.8%40.934% Laredo 1,391,850 6,763,021 10,966, Brownsville-Cameron Co.Pharr226,289 7,221,272 1,255, HidalgoPharr454,351 7,216,375 2,676, ProgresoPharr23, %1,121, %6, % %32.278% Rio Grande CityPharr40, , , RomaPharr8,510 1,225,390 3,
Distribution of Funds
Eligibility Form FHWA requests that the states complete a form for each project describing how the project meets the criteria for the program TxDOT adds questions regarding the goals and strategies
Projects to Date No eligibility forms submitted to FHWA 4 forms under review Rumors of about 10 more projects in the works
Projects to Date (con’t.) El Paso Equip 30 commercial vehicles with ITS and security systems and to upgrade the engines to run on alternative fuels
Projects to Date (Con’t.) Pharr – Parking lot at the Los Indios Free Trade International Bridge Widen FM 1015 to 4-Lane Divided Build a concrete perimeter road at Progresso International Bridge
Questions or Comments? Bureau of Transportation Statistics websites = ssing.aspx ssing.aspx nal/transborder/prod.html nal/transborder/prod.html