Annex 13 Impact Measurement Group PQF West Africa Liberia March 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Annex 13 Impact Measurement Group PQF West Africa Liberia March 2010

Expected output of the group 1. An exceptional impact measurement methodology which specify the following elements (in a Word document):  Reviewed Evaluation Question (s) / Hypothesis  Refined Impact Indicators  FISP Impact Evaluation Strategy:  Detailed Evaluation Sample Method:  Instruments to be designed or used (if existing ones):  Internal and External Technical Resources needed (What, Who, How long?)  Implementation and Timing

FISP Evaluation Strategy This is a strategy, not a research plan. Do an evaluation of FISP in order to advocate with GOL and donors for: 1. Policy 2. Scale-up 3. Investment To do that, we will demonstrate: 1. Our results contribute to the PRS 2. Our model works (causality of elements of our program) 3. Cost effectiveness at scale 4. Replicability 5. Sustainability

FISP Evaluation Strategy Evaluation Questions: 1) Does our program improve the income, nutritional status, and food security of women in chronically food insecure households? (HC) 2) Does the program improve the norms and customs in agriculture in favor of women? (SP) (gendered division of labor; ctrl of productive assets; ctrl of income) 1) Does the program influence a supportive policy environment that enables the income, nutritional status and food security of women in chronically food insecure households? (EE)

FISP Evaluation Strategy Analysis of our target audiences for dissemination of this evaluation study: 1. GOL – Min of Agriculture, Min of Internal Affairs, Min of Public Works…divisions and levels 2. Donors – for example, USAID, EC Communication and Involvement Strategy

FISP Evaluation Strategy How will we do this?  Analyzed what is “convincing evidence” for our audiences. This helped us strategically choose the methodologies we will employ. This, in turn, will help us select a partner…  Partner with a university or research institution to ensure rigor of methods  Identified general methods: 1.Change in PRS indicators: quantitative; MDI indicators; primary and secondary data 2.Causality of elements: quantitative; control trial and ANALYSIS

FISP Evaluation Strategy 3.Cost effectiveness at scale: model for current cost and cost at scale-up 4.Replicability: by ensuring that the sample for points (1 and 2) is representative of our impact group, and that the impact group is large enough/identified as important (for example in UCP analysis) 5.Sustainability: by citing credible existing research with evidence of sustainability (beyond CARE, beyond Liberia)

INDICATORS Selected from CARE’s global menu of impact and outcome indicators:  strategically selected;  3-5 indicators;  to be analyzed and communicated 1) Income: % people whose net income generated within target value chains has increased, by sex 2) Food Security: % households with food reserves, by sex of the head of household 3) Women’s Empowerment: % men and women reporting ability of women to effectively control productive assets