An Overview International Aerospace Quality Group General Assembly – San Diego 7 April 2006 Bill Black IAQG President EADS
7 Apr 2006 IAQG Gen Assy A Global Approach Over 50 major aerospace companies across three global sectors Over 50 major aerospace companies across three global sectors Driving improvement through fewer, simpler standards and practical support for implementation Driving improvement through fewer, simpler standards and practical support for implementation Initiatives driven with constancy of purpose Initiatives driven with constancy of purpose Co-operation, consultation and communication with: Co-operation, consultation and communication with: partners and supplierspartners and suppliers regulatory authoritiesregulatory authorities customerscustomers ….. across all sectors of business A Global challenge requires Global solutions
7 Apr 2006 IAQG Gen Assy A Global Team International Aerospace Quality Group IAQG Council General Assembly Forums APAQG (Asia) AAQG (Americas) EAQG (Europe) Implement initiatives that make significant improvements in Quality and reductions in cost throughout the value stream by establishing and maintaining dynamic cooperation, based on trust, between international aerospace companies Whose purpose is:
7 Apr 2006 IAQG Gen Assy A Unique Model of Co-operation Americas The Boeing CompanyThe Boeing Company BombardierBombardier EatonEaton EmbraerEmbraer GE Aircraft EnginesGE Aircraft Engines Goodrich CorporationGoodrich Corporation GulfstreamGulfstream Honeywell AerospaceHoneywell Aerospace Lockheed MartinLockheed Martin Northrop GrummanNorthrop Grumman OrbitalOrbital Parker AerospaceParker Aerospace RaytheonRaytheon Rockwell CollinsRockwell Collins Rolls-RoyceRolls-Royce Spirit AerosystemsSpirit Aerosystems TextronTextron United Technologies Corp.United Technologies Corp. VoughtVought PRI & SAEPRI & SAE Asia AIDCAIDC Aviation Industries of ChinaAviation Industries of China Fuji Heavy IndustriesFuji Heavy Industries Hawker de HavillandHawker de Havilland Indonesian AerospaceIndonesian Aerospace Ishikawajima Harima Heavy IndustriesIshikawajima Harima Heavy Industries Kawasaki Heavy IndKawasaki Heavy Ind Korea Aerospace IndKorea Aerospace Ind Korean Air AerospaceKorean Air Aerospace Mitsubishi Heavy IndMitsubishi Heavy Ind Shin Mayawa IndShin Mayawa Ind SJACSJAC Europe AirbusAirbus ALENIAALENIA BAE SystemsBAE Systems Dassault AviationDassault Aviation EADSEADS EADS – CASAEADS – CASA EADS MilitaryEADS Military EurocopterEurocopter AvioAvio Fokker AerostructuresFokker Aerostructures WestlandsWestlands HeganHegan Hispano-SuizaHispano-Suiza Israel Aircraft IndustriesIsrael Aircraft Industries Messier-BugattiMessier-Bugatti Messier-DowtyMessier-Dowty MTU Aero engineMTU Aero engine Rolls-RoyceRolls-Royce SAAB AerospaceSAAB Aerospace Smiths IndustriesSmiths Industries SNECMA MoteursSNECMA Moteurs SukhoiSukhoi Thales AvionicsThales Avionics Europe – Continued Sonaca Sonaca Turbomeca Turbomeca Volvo – Aero Volvo – Aero PFW PFW Zodiac Zodiac ASD ASD
7 Apr 2006 IAQG Gen Assy Focused on Improvement Senior industry executive participation makes the process credible and actionable Senior industry executive participation makes the process credible and actionable International cooperation driving deliverables that can be implemented globally International cooperation driving deliverables that can be implemented globally A real opportunity to improve the supply chain: A real opportunity to improve the supply chain: Safety and quality improvementSafety and quality improvement Waste and cost reductionWaste and cost reduction Consistency and clarity of approach, requirements and documentationConsistency and clarity of approach, requirements and documentation Reduction of multiple oversightReduction of multiple oversight
7 Apr 2006 IAQG Gen Assy 9100 – Aerospace Quality Management System Standard … the cornerstone of our initial focus 9100 – Aerospace Quality Management System Standard … the cornerstone of our initial focus Defines “what” – not “how”Defines “what” – not “how” Published jointly in Europe, Americas & Asia-PacificPublished jointly in Europe, Americas & Asia-Pacific Reduces variation across the supply chainReduces variation across the supply chain Complementary standards for Complementary standards for Maintenance and Repair Stations – 9110Maintenance and Repair Stations – 9110 Distributors/Stockists – 9120Distributors/Stockists – 9120 Quality System Standards – based on ISO Setting New Standards Setting New Standards
7 Apr 2006 IAQG Gen Assy Auditing & Measuring Checklists for auditors , , Checklists for auditors , , Industry Controlled Other-Party (ICOP) oversight program for consistent implementation – 9104 trilogy Industry Controlled Other-Party (ICOP) oversight program for consistent implementation – 9104 trilogy RegistrarsRegistrars AuditorsAuditors TrainingTraining Shared access to Qualification status through OASIS web hosted database Shared access to Qualification status through OASIS web hosted database 5309 Supplier sites & 584 auditors worldwide, 600 hits per hour on OASIS 5309 Supplier sites & 584 auditors worldwide, 600 hits per hour on OASIS Improving quality performance and reducing costs
7 Apr 2006 IAQG Gen Assy Safety & Integrity Requirements to directly raise product integrity First Article Inspection – 9102 Variation Management of Key Characteristics – 9103 Non-conformance Management – 9131 Data Matrix Quality Requirements for Parts Marking – 9132 Harmonized NDT Personnel Qualification – NAS410 Global Supplier Risk Management – 9134 Operator Self Verification – 9162 Other work in progress – software, direct shipment & delivery, operator self verification, sampling plans… Where quality and safety are concerned there is no competitive advantage
7 Apr 2006 IAQG Gen Assy Implementation Status IAQG members agree to use standards internally and to flow requirements to suppliers IAQG members agree to use standards internally and to flow requirements to suppliers One voiceOne voice Minimize variationMinimize variation Shared resourcesShared resources Reduced duplication and wasteReduced duplication and waste...levels of implementation exceed 90% and rising exceed 90% and rising
7 Apr 2006 IAQG Gen Assy Relationship Growth Strategy Civil Authorities Space Defense Improvement Strategy Requirements People Capability Supply Chain Process Capability Product Realisation Processes Strategic Drivers Member Collaboration Top Leader Involvement IAQG Operational Efficiency IAQG Operating Management System
7 Apr 2006 IAQG Gen Assy Authorities / Industry Partnership Airworthiness Authority and industry executives Joint Strategic Purpose is to enhance safety & quality; Airworthiness Authority and industry executives Joint Strategic Purpose is to enhance safety & quality; Parts can be manufactured anywhereParts can be manufactured anywhere Move quickly and seamlessly to the end userMove quickly and seamlessly to the end user Are supported by electronic documentation incl. Auth Rel CertAre supported by electronic documentation incl. Auth Rel Cert Making progress towards Authorities recognition of Industry Controlled Other Parties schemeMaking progress towards Authorities recognition of Industry Controlled Other Parties scheme Agenda to GloballyEnhance Agenda to Globally Enhance Airworthiness and Safety
7 Apr 2006 IAQG Gen Assy Industry Partnership with Space IAQG Space Forum has stimulated strong cooperation within each sector IAQG Space Forum has stimulated strong cooperation within each sector Space representatives agreed on proposal to be made to 9100 Space representatives agreed on proposal to be made to 9100 writing teams to incorporate requirements writing teams to incorporate requirements JAQG Space Forum established February 2006 during next major 9100 update in approx 2008JAQG Space Forum established February 2006 during next major 9100 update in approx 2008 European Space cooperation being discussed between ECSS & EAQGEuropean Space cooperation being discussed between ECSS & EAQG Working to Enhance Quality Globally, and beyond
7 Apr 2006 IAQG Gen Assy Industry Partnership with Defense Coordination with NATO to harmonise 9100 series and AQAP’s (Allied Quality Assurance Publications) Coordination with NATO to harmonise 9100 series and AQAP’s (Allied Quality Assurance Publications) Goal to establish recognition of IAQG standards as suitable for defence procurement Goal to establish recognition of IAQG standards as suitable for defence procurement Outreach plan being developed to review with other defence agencies Outreach plan being developed to review with other defence agencies
7 Apr 2006 IAQG Gen Assy Industry Benefits… Focus on the complete value chain Focus on the complete value chain True global cooperation and harmonization True global cooperation and harmonization Higher quality products at reduced cost Higher quality products at reduced cost Fewer customer-unique documents Fewer customer-unique documents Open sharing of proven “Best Practices” Open sharing of proven “Best Practices” Rapid consensus & deployment of new standards Rapid consensus & deployment of new standards Reduced variation & waste Reduced variation & waste Agenda for change, pursued with constancy of purpose
7 Apr 2006 IAQG Gen Assy Communication IAQG San Diego General Assembly
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7 Apr 2006 IAQG Gen Assy One-StopShopping Communication
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