Constructing Architect
Water and heating Building Service (BSE) Team 1, A2010
Water and heating pipes
Hot water store tank
Unit with manifold
The flue system from gas boiler
Water and heating plan
Pipe in pipe system
Pipes from the manifold out in the floor
Different placements of pipes
Steel pipes
The joins are visible If the pipes go on to the next room they have to be insulated
Principles for pipes in skirting panels
Floor heating
A house with only floor heating
Difference in temperature on the surface.
Floor heating or/and heater? Radiators are best to place under the windows Radiators can change the temperature in the room very fast. Floor heating placed in concrete changes the temperature in the room very slowly It is best always to have radiators in the house/room. Especially where there are light constructions. - because the light constructions changes the temperature of the constructions very fast, and the floor heating are working very slow.
How to place a radiator
Dish washer or washing machine
Symbols SI: Sink KSI: Kitchen sink FD:Floor drain WC:Toilet BT:Bathtub SH:Shower WM:Washing machine DW: Dishwasher CSI: Cleaning sink
Abbreviations for pipe penetration: Heating forward Heating return Cold water Hot water Nature gas gas