CET4CET4 Higher Education March 2010 March 2010
CET4 Higher Education 真题回顾 09 年 12 月 快速阅读 Merit-aid Scholarship 阅读 2 Educator (good at fund-raising) 08 年 6 月 完形填空 University and Students 07 年 12 月 快速阅读 Internationalized 阅读 1 Distance Education (Internet-based)
CET4 Higher Education vocabulary 1. institution/ seminar 2. submit 3. tuition 4. scholarship 5. academic 6. invest 7. critic 8. approach 9. eliminate 10. dean/ faculty/ staff / personnel 11. collaborative 12. recruit/ enroll/ admit 13. ranking- conscious 14. primary 15. competitive 16. commitment 17. budget 18. trend 19.perspective 10. advance 21. keep pace with 22. for one’s shake 23. keep in touch with 24. sacrifice/ contribute 25. ambition 26. essential 27. acquire 28. reverse 29. instrument/ facility 30. application
CET4 Higher Education institution An established organization or foundation, especially one dedicated to education, public service, or culture. 机构 Some schools are re-examining whether that aid, typically known as “merit aid” is the most effective use of precious institutional dollars Universities are institutions that teach a wide variety of subjects at advanced levels 金融机构: financial instrument
CET4 Higher Education tuition n. the price of or payment for instruction tuition bill/ fee Merit aid can be an important revenue-builder because many recipients still pay enough tuition dollars over and above the scholarship amount to keep the institution running
CET4 Higher Education academic based on subjects that are taught to develop the mind rather than to provide practical skills. 学术性的 academic study 学术研究 Merit aid has served primarily as a tool to recruit top students and to improve their academic profiles. Merit-based aid is aid offered to students who achieve excellence in a given area, and is generally known as academic, athletic and artistic merit scholarship. ( ) theoretical
CET4 Higher Education eliminate vt. remove completely 消除 Generally speaking, face-to-face communication with an instructor is minimized or eliminated altogether. ( ) It announced it would eliminate loans for needy students and cap them for middle-class families. ( ) delete, erase
CET4 Higher Education perspective n. a view 看法,角度 Foreigners can offer a fresh perspective on established practices From the school’s perspective, there is a lot of money to be saved spect – 看 suspect, spectacle
CET4 Higher Education personnel n. all the people employed by a company, in the armed forces, or working in any organization. 全体员工 military personnel, personnel management Yet the talent flow isn’t universal. High-level personnel tend to head in only one direction: outward from America.(09.12) staff 员工 faculty 教员
CET4 Higher Education acquire vt. learn, gain by one’s own work over a long period of time acquire knowledge Most students attend a university mainly to acquire the knowledge needed for their chosen profession
CET4 Higher Education recruit, enroll, admit to make one officially a member of a group 招收 But for ranking-conscious schools in between, merit aid has served primarily as a tool to recruit top students and to improve their academic profiles. ( ) At least 15 states also offer merit aid, typically in a bid to enroll top students in the state’s public institutions. ( ) American politicians have great difficulty recognizing that admitting more foreign students can greatly promote the national interests by increasing international understanding. ( ) campus recruitment 校园招聘
CET4 Higher Education cloze Universities are institutions that teach a wide variety of subjects at advanced levels. They also carry out research work aimed _______ extending man's knowledge of these subjects. The emphasis given to each of these functions ________ from university to university, according to the views of the people in __________and according to the resources available. The smaller and newer universities do no __________the staff or equipment to carry out the __________research projects possible in larger institutions. _______ most experts agree that some research activity is _______ to keep the staff and their students in ________ with the latest developments in their subjects.
CET4 Higher Education Most students attend a university mainly to ______ the knowledge needed for their chosen __________. Educationists believe that this aim should not be the _____ one. Universities have always aimed to produce men and women _________ judgment and wisdom as well as knowledge. For this reason, they _______ students to meet others with differing ________ and to read widely to _______ their understanding in many fields of study. _______ a secondary school course, a student should be interested enough in a subject to enjoy gaining knowledge for its own __________. He should be prepared to __________sacrifices to study his chosen ______ in depth. He should have an ambition to make some _______ contribution to man's knowledge.
CET4 Higher Education Cloze 考察点 词:介词,词组 句 ( 义 ) :时态、转折
CET4 Higher Education Reading 现象 / 问题 —— 分析(问题) —— 结论(解决 / 预测) 现象: Many universities have made top-level hires from America. 分析: 1.American schools tend to consider hiring local America educator who is good at fund-raising. 2. Gradually lacking of government’s support, many European universities have made fund-raising a necessary ability among administrators. 3. Some famous schools around the world have joined the trend. 结论: The globalization of education means more university will be seeking head with international experience to promote international programs.
CET4 Higher Education Writing 07 年 12 月 What Electives to Choose 1. 各大学开设了各种各样的 选修课 2. 学生因为各种原因选择了 不同的选修课 3. 以你自己为例 06 年 6 月 On Students Selecting Lecturers 1. 有些大学允许学生自由选择 某些课程的任课教师 2. 学生选择教师时所考虑的主 要因素 3. 学生自选任课教师的益处和 可能产生的问题 2. 学生因为各种原因选 择了不同的选修课 2. 学生选择教师时所考 虑的主要因素
CET4 Higher Education 论点 学生因为各种原因选择了不同的选修课 enlarge the knowledge obtain an extra certificate for job hunting just for one’s own interest/fun 学生选择教师时所考虑的主要因素 a teacher with plentiful knowledge a teacher with a sense of humor whether the teacher is strict or not
CET4 Higher Education 相关话题 Vocational Education or College Education? On College Students Using Credit Cards Certificate Craze on Campus On Overseas Study
CET4 Higher Education Writing practice Certificate Craze on Campus 近几年大学生们热衷于考取各种各 样的证书,校园内出现 “ 考证热 ” 产生这种现象的原因 在我看来 …… Phenomenon: certificate craze (n.) Reasons as following: In my opinion … Look for jobs (company requires ability) Learn something new Meet the need of society ’ s development Follow others Make full use of one ’ s spare time
CET4 Higher Education 纠错 Certificate craze on Campus Recently, more and more collage students in fond of taking exams for different certifications. There is a phenomenon of craze about all kinds of certificates. The reasons for certificate craze are as follow. First, With the quickly economic development, a lot companies would like to employ advanced people. Only those who have already got several certificates can prove themselves excellent. In the same time, students are difficult to find wok. So they become craze about certificate. Secondly, some students want to learn something new by preparing for these certificates. Last but not the least, it’s good to make full use of one’s free time on the campus. In my perspective, certificate craze is good for college students. But you should remember not to take them just follow others. 1.college, be fond of 2. 很多: a lot of, numerous, thousands of 3.at the same time, it ’ s difficult for students to find an ideal job. 4.become crazy about 5.last but not least 6. on campus 7. spare time 8. from one ’ s perspective, in one ’ s opinion/ view
CET4 Higher Education 范文 Certificate craze on Campus Recently, more and more college students have been in fond of taking exams for different certificates. There is a phenomenon of craze about all kinds of certificates. The reasons for certificate craze are as follows. First, with the quickly economic development, a lot companies would like to employ advanced people. Only those who have already got several certificates can prove themselves excellent. At the same time, it’s difficult for students to find ideal jobs. As a result, they become crazy about certificate. Second, some students want to learn something new by preparing for these certificates. Last but not least, it’s good to make full use of one’s spare time on campus. From my perspective, certificate craze is good for college students. But one should remember not to take them just follow others.