Highlights of space sensor developments in Spain 1st SPACERAD meeting Brussels, 12 November 2002
AMS Project at CIEMAT Highlights of space sensor developments in Spain 1st SPACERAD meeting in Brussels, 12 November 2002 The Astroparticle Physics Project at CIEMAT takes over the activities that few members of the HEP group started in 1997 through the participation in the precursor flight for the AMS Experiment Since year 2000, CIEMAT is participating in the Construction of the AMS-02 Detector æThe detector will have capabilities to identify the cosmic ray nuclei with Z 20 and to measure their energy spectrum up to the TeV region. æThe International Space Station (ISS) is a unique platform for accurate measurements of cosmic rays (low background, infrastructure capabilities) The purpose of the AMS Experiment is to perform accurate and high precision primary cosmic ray measurements in the space. A particle detector will be placed for a 3-year period on the International Space Station (ISS). AMS on the ISS Orbit altitude400 km Power 2 kW Weight~ 7 T Exposure time> 3 years
AMS Project at CIEMAT Highlights of space sensor developments in Spain 1st SPACERAD meeting in Brussels, 12 November 2002 AMS02 Detector Geometrical Acceptance = 0.45 m 2 sr Weight ~ 7 T Power 2 kW 1.5 % (p) / p 8PlanesTracker 0.78 Tm 2 BL 2 Magnet AMS-02Sub-Detector 0.1 % ( ) / RICH < e/p TRD & EMC
AMS Project at CIEMAT Highlights of space sensor developments in Spain 1st SPACERAD meeting in Brussels, 12 November 2002 CIEMAT ACTIVITIES Software development and Analysis Participation in the AMS02 Construction –Superconducting Magnet Electronics –Cerenkov Counter Detector (RICH)
AMS Project at CIEMAT Highlights of space sensor developments in Spain 1st SPACERAD meeting in Brussels, 12 November 2002 IAC SPACE FLIGHT ENGINEERING SPANISH COMPANIES HEP Group Electronics and Automation Laboratory Superconductivity Group (CEDEX) Infrastructure Mechanical Workshops and Electronics Lab. Characterisation of materials (optics, aging,…) Assembly room SPACE FLIGHT ELECTRONICS SPANISH COMPANIES CRISA NTE,sa
AMS Project at CIEMAT Highlights of space sensor developments in Spain 1st SPACERAD meeting in Brussels, 12 November 2002 RICH Requirements Independent measurement of the velocity ( ) of charged particles ( ) / 10 = 1 (protons) Mass Measurement (resolution 1%) Measurement of charge for ions with Z < 20 e + /p separation up to energies 10 GeV Measurement of light isotope abundance (H/H 2 /H 3, He 3 /He 4, Be 10 /Be 9 ) Cerenkov Radiation Detector AMS RICH Collaboration: CIEMAT (Madrid), INFN (Bologna), ISN (Grenoble), LIP (Lisbon), UNAM (Mexico)
AMS Project at CIEMAT Highlights of space sensor developments in Spain 1st SPACERAD meeting in Brussels, 12 November 2002 Radiator 3 cm of Aerogel (n 1.05) N p.e. 20 (for Z=1; =1) thershold Reflector Reduce photon losses Multilayer Structure deposited on a Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite (CFRC) Substrate Photon Detection ~ 700 photomultipliers (Hamamatsu M16) 4 x 4 mm 2 effective area/pixel Gain ~ V Quantum Efficiency 20 % in the range nm B Field 50 % Effective area Shielding Light guides AMS RICH Description Size: 50 cm height 160 cm diameter Weight < 200 Kg Power ~ 80 Watt
AMS Project at CIEMAT Highlights of space sensor developments in Spain 1st SPACERAD meeting in Brussels, 12 November 2002 AMS RICH PMT Assembly Unit RICH Prototype Assembly Clean Room (CIEMAT) Read-Out design and prototyping (CIEMAT) HV Power supply prototype (NTE-CAEN)
AMS Magnet Electronics Laboratory Breadboard of Cryomagnet Current Source (CRISA) Lab BB Current Source Modules MIT CRISA
AMS Project at CIEMAT Highlights of space sensor developments in Spain 1st SPACERAD meeting in Brussels, 12 November 2002 Department of Fusion and Particle Physics Electronics and Automation Laboratory Electronics within R&D projects R&D line on radiation detectors Activities: 1.The development of equipment and technologies based on conventional detectors 2.Applied research on novel detectors, particularly on room temperature semiconductor detectors. CIEMAT
AMS Project at CIEMAT Highlights of space sensor developments in Spain 1st SPACERAD meeting in Brussels, 12 November 2002 ( ) CZT status: planar devices revealed intrinsic limitations. New designs for large volume high resolution spectrometers.( ) CZT status: planar devices revealed intrinsic limitations. New designs for large volume high resolution spectrometers. 1.From Frish grids: coplanar devices 2.Pixel detectors: 3D sensing Radiation Detection Room Temp. Semiconductor Detectors ( ) CdTe/HgI2 HgI2 ( ) CZT Thick HgI2 detectors. Signal treatment and analysis Imaging. Gamma camera for industrial application Experiment in Minisat-I Digital studies on thin (1-2 mm) CZT detectors. Signal processing (wavelets).
AMS Project at CIEMAT Highlights of space sensor developments in Spain 1st SPACERAD meeting in Brussels, 12 November 2002 Radiation Detection Room Temp. Semiconductor Detectors
AMS Project at CIEMAT Highlights of space sensor developments in Spain 1st SPACERAD meeting in Brussels, 12 November Coplanar devices Spectrometric Characterization Electrode design Electrical studies Monte Carlo simulation 2.Pixel detectors Electrical studies Radiation Detection Room Temp. Semiconductor Detectors ·J.M. Pérez, Z. He, D.K. Wehe, Y.F. Du. “Estimate of large CZT detectors absolute efficiency”. To be published at IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science Vol. August ·J.M. Pérez, Z. He, D.K. Wehe. “Stability and characteristics of large CZT coplanar electrode detectors”. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 48, No 3, pp , June “Current transport in Large Coplanar and Pixel Au-CdZnTe detectors”. J.M. Pérez. Sent to publication at Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Phisics Research A on May 2002
AMS Project at CIEMAT Highlights of space sensor developments in Spain 1st SPACERAD meeting in Brussels, 12 November 2002 Radiation Detection Room Temp. Semiconductor Detectors On going proposals: 1. Development of epitaxial structures of compound semiconductors formed by elements with high atomic number Collaboration agreement contract with Microelectronics National Center (CSIC) Research focused to Nuclear Medicine Funding pending 2. Characterization and design of new generation sensors based on CZT for environmental applications Applied research on coplanar detectors Collaboration with the University of Michigan Research focused for Environmental and Decommissioning Industries Funded by MCYT-Spain (TIC )
AMS Project at CIEMAT Highlights of space sensor developments in Spain 1st SPACERAD meeting in Brussels, 12 November 2002 Radiation Detection Room Temp. Semiconductor Detectors 3. EuroMedIm. Expression of Interest for the 6 th EC Framework Programme A large number of European institutions aimed at developing prototype diagnosis instrumentation for medical to be transferred toi the European Industry