Thailand Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (TAHPER) National Conference Khon Kaen, Thailand February 2012
Presentation on the Professional Development of Physical Education Teachers in Singapore Schools by Mr Goh Ek Piang President Singapore Physical Education Association (SPEA)
Entry Requirements 1.Academic grades and criteria determined by Ministry of Education 2.Interviews conducted by Ministry of Education 3.Physical proficiency test conducted by Physical Education and Sports Science (PESS) Department of the University
Pre-Service Courses 1.Diploma in Physical Education (DPE) 2.Post-Graduate Diploma in Physical Education (PGDE) 3.BSc in Education (PE) 4.Sports Science and Management Degree
In-Service Courses 1.MSc Exercise and Sports Studies 2.MSc / MA by Research 3.PhD by Research 4.Diploma in Physical Education (DPE)
Career Tracks 1.Teaching Track 2.Leadership Track 3.Specialist Track
Teaching Track Senior Teacher (ST)Senior Teacher (ST) Lead Teacher (LT)Lead Teacher (LT) Master Teacher (MT) Master Teacher (MT) Principal Master Teacher (PMT) Principal Master Teacher (PMT)
Leadership Track Level / Subject Head (LH / SH) Level / Subject Head (LH / SH) Head of Department (HOD) Head of Department (HOD) Vice-Principal (VP) Vice-Principal (VP) Principal (P) Principal (P) Superintendent / Asst Dir / Deputy Dir / Director (HQ) Superintendent / Asst Dir / Deputy Dir / Director (HQ)
Specialist Track Level 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 in PE or Sports (HQ)
Professional Development Courses 1.Subject-based Studies 2.Administration and Management 3.General
Subject-based Studies 1.Content knowledge and skills 2.Teaching pedagogy 3.Research work
Administration and Management 1.Senior Teachers Programme (STP) 2.Advanced Senior Teachers Programme (ASTP) 3.Management and Leadership in Schools (MLS) 4.Leadership in Education Programme (LEP) 5.Leaders for Leaders Programme (LLP)
General 1.Strategic Planning 2.Report Writing 3.Handling the Media 4.Curriculum Development, etc
Opportunities for Professional Development Bursary, Scholarship, Study LeaveBursary, Scholarship, Study Leave Seminars / Conferences - local and overseasSeminars / Conferences - local and overseas Learning journeys - local and overseasLearning journeys - local and overseas Teacher Work AttachmentTeacher Work Attachment Personal Development Fund - $400 - $700 per yearPersonal Development Fund - $400 - $700 per year 100 hours per year100 hours per year
Key Agencies for Professional Development 1.Physical Education and Sports Teacher Academy (PESTA) 2.National Institute of Education / Physical Education and Sports Science (NIE/PESS) Department of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) 3.Singapore Sports Council (SSC) 4.National Sports Associations (NSAs)
The key to success is PASSION
Thank you
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