NUTRIENTS + LIGHT = PHYTOPLANKTON Sea Water Air Conditioning (SWAC) for Hawaii
Honolulu/Waikiki SWAC A Kyo-ya/UH collaboration Intro: SWAC and upwelling Nutrients: the good and the evil Prospectus: 2013, and beyond
Ocean science and society Coupled natural- human systems Economics and sustainability Education and public outreach A NEW SUBDISCIPLINE?
Upwelling is key for photosynthesis “new water” = new production
OCEAN CONDITIONS NEAR HAWAII The ocean’s desert blooms -- July 2005
MARE LIBERUM: LOCAL ISSUES WITH GLOBAL IMPLICATIONS Seawater Air Conditioning (SWAC): use deep, cold (nutrient- and CO 2 -rich) seawater in lieu of heat pumps Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC): use deep, cold (nutrient- and CO 2 -rich) seawater to generate electricity Green solutions “green” ocean?
Heat exchange medium in air conditioning or energy production applications Cold DSW CO 2 -rich, N&P-rich waste SWAC and OTEC Are there any unintended environmental consequences???
A.C. REDFIELD (1958) “The inadequacy of experiments in marine biology” Ecosystem manipulation/perturbation experiments are essential Complex systems must be thoroughly described and well understood before relevant experiments can be conducted C:N:P We may now be ready to move!
Why can’t it be done in the sea? EXPERIMENTAL TERRESTRIAL PLOTS
J.D.H. STRICKLAND “Between beakers and bays” New Scientist, 1967
BAG-I (Biogeochemistry And Genomes) Inaugural deployment Nutrient loading exp. impact of P C-MORE/BEACH- MMI collaboration Dec 2011
MOTIVATION II. SCIENTIFIC GOAL Study the effects of nutrient additions on surface ocean plankton communities & processes I. ENGINEERING GOAL Assemble, deploy, maintain & recover three mesocosms in Hawaiian waters PHOTO COURTESY K. BJÖRKMAN AND S. POULOS n 1: Seawater Air Conditioning 2: Scaling Ingoing Outgoing
EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP Nutrients - PNutrients + P Control S URFACE S EAWATER + N ITRATE, + S ILICATE + T RACE METALS, + V ITAMINS S URFACE S EAWATER ONLY S URFACE S EAWATER + N ITRATE, + P HOSPHATE, + S ILICATE + T RACE METALS, + V ITAMINS 20L Nutrients added simulated a 15% addition of deep-water (1000m) from Stn ALOHA 6μm Nitrite + Nitrate, 0.5μm Phosphate, 14μm Silicate (Fe, Zn, Se, Ni, Co) (B1, B7, B12) 10L 1L
Science Editorial 26 March 1999 “A Potential Phosphate Crisis” Philip H. Abelson Scientist extraordinaire COMMODITY $$$ Nature, 6 Oct 2011 PEAK P?
GLOBAL P-ROCK RESERVES The next “resource” crisis from: EcoSanRes (2008)
Cruise track provided by S. Tozzi, UCSC DEPLOYMENT, DRIFT PATTERN & RECOVERY R ECOVER L OCATION D EPLOYMENT L OCATION Kona Hawaii Maui Molokai Lanai Oahu Honolulu
P RECOVERY FROM THE DEEP BLUE SEA? Patent pending… Pump deep sea water (SWAC/OTEC) Remove/Recover P by “MAGIC” N/P discharge leads to phyto bloom No P, no bloom, no starvation, no wars, AND a revenue stream to support research >1 MT P/d $250 K/d
Agriculture Food security Human survival Biofuels Energy security P is a non-renewable, limiting resource P I P !
(Photo: Tara Clemente) 3 min BAG-1 video