U.S. TAG to ISO / PC 283April 25, 2014 ISO TG3 Report for March 2014 Morocco Meeting Section 8 (Operation) Todd Hohn
US TAG to ISO / PC 283April 25, 2014 TG 3 – Scope of Work & Participation Scope of Work – Disposition of 123 comments related to Clause 8 TG 3 Participants – Participants represented the following member body countries and liaisons – ILO, Germany, France, UK, Norway, US, Netherlands, Argentina, Malaysia TG Support – The TG 3 work group finished their work and supported 2 additional Task Groups to disposition 40 additional comments
US TAG to ISO / PC 283April 25, 2014 TG 3 – Progress Clause 8 restructured to be consistent with what the US proposed: ● 8.1 Operational planning and control ● 8.2 Management of change ● 8.3 Outsourcing ● 8.4 Procurement ● 8.5 Contractors ● 8.6 Emergency preparedness and response
US TAG to ISO / PC 283April 25, 2014 TG 3 – Outcomes/Key Points ● Hierarchy of Controls –To gain consensus, combined d) safety signs and e) administrative controls together - - PPE remained as last option ● d) “use of safety signs, markings and warning devices and/or administrative controls” ● 8.3 Procurement - Limited scope to the OH&S Management System which was consistent with direction the US proposed ● Sub Clauses for Procurement, Contractors and Emergency Preparedness closely aligned with Z-10
US TAG to ISO / PC 283April 25, 2014 Plan Going Forward – Work Still to Do for TG3 1.Contractors – Due to work of TG5 – the sub clause and use of the term worker as it applies to contractors need to be revised. ● Proposed language has been developed and will be presented at next WebEx to the rest of TG3 for consideration 2.Annex – UK and US have both provided content for the Annex and the next WebEx of TG3 will focus on finalizing