Design Flow 1 Mission Req (ASSET) Initial design by space Detailed Design (Equip by Comp) Zone model Compartmention Model List of comp + req Compartmentation Equip lists (CPC part) Adjacency
Design Flow 2 Mission/Owner Req Initial system design Detailed Design (Equip by Comp) Zone model Compartmentation Design List of comp + req Compartmentation Equip lists (CPC part) Adjacency Peliminary Analysis List of comp + req Analysis
Design Flow 3 Requirements Design Agent 1 Shipyard Design team Detailed Design Analyses Initial Req Initial Arrangement Intermediate Arrangement Final Arrangement Owner Add req / mission cargo / loading / FEM analysis damage stability impact of structural changes properties ties to MF damage control process Class Society
Notes Iterative, early in design, –Joiner bulkheads –Shifted spaces/structure Loop back to detailed design – within one CAD system Interchanges –Between companies –Between organizations in one shipyard –Between tools
Test Case Candidates One compartment defined by surfaces –No properties Compartment w properties Multiple compartments (deck?) Zones Compartment properties change due to structural changes Send data to class society Mission requirement (range, cargo capacity) compared to actual arrangements –Initial Loading condition, loading zone w multiple compartments, compare requirements and actual capacity
TWR Demo Scenario Initial arrangement, then move bulkhead (structural change or other reason) –Affects tank capacity which affects mission requirements\ Fuel oil tank or Storage Tank/Ballast Tank Enclosing compartment? Related ideas –Adjacency matrix for egress/escape –Look up compartment req in another tool –zones