Copyright issues in digitization projects in Croatia Aleksandra Horvat, Ph.D., Prof. Daniela Živković, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb
SEEDI, Zagreb, May 18th, eEurope 2002 Action Plan “create a coordination mechanism for digitization programs across member States”
SEEDI, Zagreb, May 18th, Obstacles to mass digitization cost use of inappropriate technologies and inadequate standards, lack of synergy between cultural and technological programmes and lack of consistency in approaches to IP rights.
SEEDI, Zagreb, May 18th, InfoSoc Directive (2001) Green paper Copyright in the Knowledge Economy (2008) IFLA, EBLIDA, eIFL Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER) Copyright as an obstacle
SEEDI, Zagreb, May 18th, Copyright as an obstacle The overall opinion seems to prevail that present copyright laws in the European countries have not been amended to enable libraries and archives to operate efficiently and adequately in the global digital environment.
SEEDI, Zagreb, May 18th, Why copyright clearance? digitization is act of reproduction and communication to the public & making available to the public national copyright laws require the author's permission for all these acts if the work is protected
SEEDI, Zagreb, May 18th, Digitization of cultural heritage in Croatia in the late 1990' - sporadic initiatives in an encompassing programme funded by the Ministry of Culture Croatian Cultural Heritage Portal in the late 1990' - sporadic initiatives in an encompassing programme funded by the Ministry of Culture Croatian Cultural Heritage Portal in the late 1990' - sporadic initiatives in an encompassing programme funded by the Ministry of Culture Croatian Cultural Heritage Portal
SEEDI, Zagreb, May 18th, 20118
9 Copyright issues little can be learnt about copyright on the portal the aim of the investigation how copyright issues can be dealt with in: The National and University Library Zagreb City Libraries The Croatian State Archives The Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences
SEEDI, Zagreb, May 18th, Issues of concern Orphan works - lack of reliable databases Open access - option for cultural and scientific institutions
SEEDI, Zagreb, May 18th, Conclusions Differences in approach between institutions some consider a digital copy to be a preservation copy some consider themselves as publishers of new copies
SEEDI, Zagreb, May 18th, Exceptions and limitations enumerated in the InfoSoc Directive 2001, they are different in different national copyright laws, libraries can act due to these exceptions and limitations, possible solution are mandatory exceptions for libraries and similar institutions. another possible solution is extended collective licensing
SEEDI, Zagreb, May 18th, Bide, Oppenheim and Ramsden (1997) discuss the need for "one-stop shop" (a central agency) for the clearance of digitization rights
SEEDI, Zagreb, May 18th, Literature Horvat, A.; Živković, D. Copyright issues related to the digitisation of cultural heritage in Croatia (Communications in computer and information science / Springer ; 96)
SEEDI, Zagreb, May 18th, Thank you for your attention!