Fundraising 8 th Global RCE Conference, Nairobi, Kenya 29 November 2013
Session Agenda Mobilizing financial resources to implement collaborative flagship projects is a core operational function of an RCE. 1. Summary of online discussions 2. Innovative and workable fundraising strategies 3. Activities and processes that may lead to future collaborative fundraising strategies 4. Experiences, challenges and success stories on fundraising for ESD 5. Potential action points
Online Discussions/Deliberations One member (Evans) shared strategies for raising funds as: Fundraising walks Use of celebrities. The other way is doing a grants request underwriting. “I am curious if other RCEs receive their money from governments, colleges, non-profit organizations, or grant foundations” (Kim)
Online Discussions/Deliberations Getting government support and raising funds locally has been a huge challenge for RCE Buea, Cameroon. Could we not approach industrial houses who take up conservation and social development programs under Corporate Social Responsibility and match our projects with theirs? (RCE Chandigarh) RCE Minna has been able to attract funds for its event from the government by first showcasing the potential benefits of our self-sponsored flagship projects and research Engaging youth and finding resources locally – youth participation very important.
Online Discussions/Deliberations Plan a Youth fundraising workshops during holidays – fully sponsored by troubled parents. Key outcomes: A good platform to involve youth in ESD Money – raised from fees Follow up – through social media for example so the youth take care of each other and network within context Adults within RCE make a deliberate move to be mentors to our Youth – which they badly need (Zippy)
Online Discussions/Deliberations A two yearly African RCEs conference that provides opportunities for: capacity building regional integration Publication Youth engagement in ESD activities (Tich).
Online Discussions/Deliberations Increasing visibility of RCEs to international donors. RCE Kakamega undertook an eco- mapping of groups funding by SIDA (Stephen) Challenge of UNU RCE acknowledgement certificate not having a registration number (Stephen) The challenge of organizing such fundraising is that there are very many stakeholders and one has to take up the initiative and see how it will work (Edward)