Location The park is located primarily in the U.S. state of Wyoming, though it also extends into Montana and Idaho. Approximately 96 percent of the land area of Yellowstone National Park is located within the state of Wyoming. Another 3 percent is within Montana, with the remaining 1 percent in Idaho.
HISTORY Why is it a National Park? It was first discovered in Later expeditions explored it and, in 1869, Folson’s expedition made a detailed map of the zone. Finally in 1872, it was declared a National Park, the first one in the world. Philetus Walter Norris
BIOLOGY Why is it a National Park? Yellowstone is one of the last intact ecosystems on earth. 80% of the park is covered by forests. The rest of the land is composed by rivers, lakes or green prairies. It’s thanks to Yellostone that the great mammals such as the bison have survived. It has 1700 endemic species of plants.
GEOLOGY Why is it a National Park? Yellowstone is famous because of its geology; it contains a 33% of all the geysers on earth. This occurs because under Yellowstone there’s an enormous magma caldera. And this caldera makes Yellowstone an enormous supervolcano, which explodes each 600,000 years. The problem is that the last one took place 640,000 years ago.
3 Things you can do there You can see many types of animals.
3 Things you can do there You can do canoeing, fishing and camping in the park.
3 Things you can do there You can admire the volcanos and geysers.
We must maintain this park because it is inhabited by a variety of estinction endangered animals such as the bison and the grizzly bear. But the most important thing is his extensive landscaping of pine forests and deep ravines. As the park is formed by a huge volcano is the world's most active geysers. WHY SHOULD WE KEEP IT AS A NATIONAL PARK?