1 Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly. 2 A new VCS Assembly for Bristol To ensure that the voluntary and community sector (VCS) has strong voice and.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly

2 A new VCS Assembly for Bristol To ensure that the voluntary and community sector (VCS) has strong voice and influence. Clear and structured ways for consultation and representing VCS views.

3 The Assembly at a glance Assembly open to all VCS in Bristol Support more joined-up ‘voice and influence’ for VCS organisations working across different service areas and neighbourhoods. Three Assembly Networks to bring people together so that they can influence the changing agenda in health and social care, children and young people’s services and communities and neighbourhoods. Support to ensure that equalities groups are involved in the Assembly and each Assembly network.

4 What has happened so far? Open invite to join VCS Assembly steering group. Steering group has met twice. Researched other VCS ‘voice and influence’ structures. Begun to draft VCS Assembly proposals. Interim network meetings.

5 VCS Assembly steering group Space Trust, the Carers Centre, Advice Network, Hartcliffe and Withywood Community Partnership, Bread Youth Project, Shelter (Bristol), Bristol Older Peoples Forum, Churches Council for Industry and Social Responsibility, Silai for Skills, Bristol and Midland Housing Association, Young Bristol, WECIL, Addiction Recovery Agency, 1625 Independent People.

6 VCS Assembly steering group What the VCS Assembly should and could do. Who should be involved, how they would be decided? How representation of the VCS should be agreed. The steering group is helping to inform the VCS Assembly proposal, but will not take final decision.

7 Next steps Finalising the draft VCS Assembly proposal. Wider consultation with VCS on Assembly proposal between 25 July – 25 October. Launch Assembly event in November where VCS will be asked to agree Assembly proposal.

8 VCS Assembly Consultation The consultation will include: An online blog where draft proposals for the VCS Assembly will be published and comments and questions can be posted Drop in VCS Assembly information sessions (dates to be announced) One to one meetings with VCS groups (to engage smaller and equalities groups)

9 VCS Assembly Consultation Black and Minority Ethnic 'voice and influence' steering group A meeting of current VCS reps on Thursday 22 September Further meetings of the VCS Assembly Steering group who have helped contribute to the draft VCS Assembly proposals

10 Find out more? Children and Young peoples Network Neighbourhoods and communities Network Health and Social Care Network

11 Find out more? Subscribe to fortnightly e-bulletin: Contact Matthew Symonds