Presented by Christine M. Merkel, Bonn, 16 May 2011, EMC - with the permission of Larry O’Farrell UNESCO Chair in Arts and Learning Queen’s University
The foremost organization in the world concerned with education, science and culture Provides leadership to member states Brings together experts and policy makers Not normally a funding agency Seeks to achieve its goals in civil society through programs such as UNESCO Chairs, Networks, Observatories Collaborates with NGO’s such as World Alliance for Arts Education (IDEA, InSea, ISME, WDA, IMC)
UNESCO The Arts in General Education The Director-General is instructed to provide clearing-house services to Member States for the collection, analysis and distribution of information concerning the arts in general education, and for the exchange of materials and personnel between Member States The General Conference recommends to Member States that they take, through National Commissions wherever possible, appropriate steps, such as the establishment of a committee on the arts in general education, to facilitate this exchange of information. The purpose of such action would be to encourage improved methods of teaching and to stimulate experiment and research by local institutions and individuals. Resolution, Third General Conference of UNESCO, Beirut, 1948
Director General’s appeal: “At a time when family and social structures are changing, with often adverse effects on children and adolescents, the school of the twenty first century must be able to anticipate the new needs by according a special place to the teaching of artistic values and subjects in order to encourage creativity, which is a distinctive attribute of the human species. Creativity is our hope.” (Mr. Federico Mayor)
2001 – 2005 Regional meetings identify issues 2006 UNESCO World Conference on Arts Education – Lisbon 2007 Establishing Chair of Arts and Learning in Canada Establishing 5 UNESCO Observatories in Asia Pacific 2009 Establishing Chair in Cultural Education in Germany nd UNESCO World Conference on Arts Education – Seoul
2006 First World Conference, Lisbon o UNESCO Roadmap for Arts Education (a theoretical framework for advancement of arts education around the world) 2010 Second World Conference, Seoul o the Seoul Agenda: Goals for the development of arts education (an action plan – developed collaboratively)
1.Ensure that arts education is accessible as a fundamental and sustainable component of a high quality renewal of education 2.Assure that arts education activities and programmes are of a high quality in conception and delivery 3.Apply arts education principles and practices to contribute to resolving the social and cultural challenges facing the world today
1.Ensure that arts education is accessible as a fundamental and sustainable component of a high quality renewal of education Strategies 1.A Affirm arts education as the foundation for balanced creative, cognitive, emotional, aesthetic and social deve lopment of children, youth and life-long learners Action Items 1a (iii) Establish high quality evaluation systems in order to ensure the well-rounded development of learners in arts education.
2. Assure that Arts Education activities and programmes are of a high quality in conception and delivery Strategies 2.B Ensure that sustainable training in arts education is available to educators, artists and communities Action Items 2.b (ii) Integrate artistic principles and practices within pre- service teacher education and the professional development of practicing teachers;
3. Apply arts education principles and practices to cont ribute to resolving the social and cultural challenges facing today’s world Strategies 3. C Support and enhance the role of arts education in the pr omotion of social responsibility, social cohesion, cultural diversit y and intercultural dialogue Action Items 3.c (i) Give priority to recognition of the learner-specific cont ext and encourage educational practices adapted to the local relevancy of the learners including minorities and migr ants;
The Seoul Agenda: A tool to renew the engagement and commitment of arts educators A resource for advocacy UNESCO will recommend acceptance by Member States The Government of Korea is committed to advancing it among Member States Research Network of UNESCO Chairs and Observatories will advance the Seoul Agenda: Monitoring (Wildbad Kreuth May 2011)
“I am deeply committed that UNESCO continues to explore new avenues of thinking and action in the area of arts education. Our Organization will also play a key role in steering international consensus towards the establishment of a set of priority goals on the development of arts education.” (Mrs Irina Bokova, Seoul, 25 May 2010)
Implementation of The Seoul Agenda - UNESCO’s Executive Board (Oct. 2010/185 EX/44 ) recommended: Acceptance of The Seoul Agenda by Member States Cooperate with Education For All and Education for Sustainable Development Support future conferences, including the 3 rd World Conference which Colombia has offered to host (to be put forward to the General Conference of UNESCO Oct. 2011) Idea of the Proclamation of an (annual) international week of arts education (GC to adopt and forward to UN General Assembly which would need to endorse proposal)