Welcome to all parents! Miss Denise Ritchie ESL Teacher Korrnell Academy 09/10
Education Background Bachelors of Education Degree with Primary Junior Qualification from the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Bachelors Degree in Physical Education (Honours) from Brock University, Ontario Canada.
My Teaching Philosophy Children are the resources of the future and it is our job to create a sense of curiosity and wonder so that these children thrive on knowledge. It is this thirst for excellence that will motivate them in all aspects of their lives. Education is the foundation of our future. Therefore it is crucial that teachers take great care while we lay the groundwork for these students’ lives. It is what these students learn in school such as behavior, manners, study habits and language that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives.
Classroom Rules No Chinese in the classroom. Raise your hand to speak, get a drink or go to the washroom. Respect others and their things. Safety = no running and keep your hands to yourself Listen to all instructions carefully. Always do your best work!
Homeroom 103 In 103 we are focusing on reading, increasing our vocabulary, phonics and writing in English. Students are encouraged to work independently. If they have a question or need help they are to raise their hand and I will provide them with individual assistance. I will prompt the students to find the correct answer but I believe it is important to foster their own problem solving skills. Our class is growing together to become better students! Finally I feel it is very important to encourage the students to have as many experiences with the English language as possible to increase their understanding. Therefore it is now part of our classroom rules and routine to quietly read an english book once their classwork and homework is complete.
Math & Science 104 Class 104 is working on developing a strong understanding of science and math content, vocabulary and problem solving skills through practical applications, reading, writing, lab activities and visually expressing both math and science. 104 Class is encouraged to review and practice often but please do not work ahead of the class as this is a disadvantage to the students. Working ahead of the class will cause the student to miss out on a valuable learning opportunity and they will be bored in class having already completed the work.
ESL I - Science Grade 5 ESL Science class is focusing on developing our vocabulary while having a combination of interactive hands on lessons as well as developing positive study habits. The students are encouraged to review their work regularly to prepare for assessment and ask as many questions as they need to achieve full understanding of the material.
ESL G - Reading/Writing/Comprehension I am determined to instill confidence within the students of this class with regards to their use of the English language. I want to encourage students to read to themselves, read aloud to others, practice writing, spelling and be active participants within class. I believe this will help to develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. This combination of confidence and experience will increase the students use of the language and the more they use English the greater the success the students will achieve.