1 WELCOME! Pocatello/Chubbuck District #25 SIOP Coaches Training
2 Evaluations/Questions SIOP Coaches’ Training Objectives Content Objectives: Coaches will: Understand how SIOP fits into the district improvement plan Understand the process and time line for LEP Grant and district implementation Learn spring SIOP coaching expectations Recognize the importance of observing and calibrating lessons Language Objectives: SIOP Coaches will participate in observing other coaches and calibrating lessons
3 Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25 Strategic Plan Draft August 2008
5 SIOP Tier I: Core Instruction ALL Tier II Supported Instruction SOME Tier III Intensive Instruction FEW RtI: Pyramid of Interventions:
6 $50,000 LEP Enhancement Grant Awarded $150,000 LEP Enhancement Grant Awarded
7 LEP Enhancement Grant $50,000 per year Meet the needs of LEP Learners Academic Linguistic Cultural Needs
8 1.Chubbuck – SIOP 2 2.Highland 3.Century 4.Irving SIOP Model School Grants
10 SIOP Training Objectives Content Objectives: Administrators will: Understand how SIOP fits into the district improvement plan Understand the process and time line for district implementation Learn what to expect from building SIOP coaches Learn the 8 components of SIOP Instructional Framework Language Objectives: Administrators will begin to develop a SIOP-related lexicon
11 Domain 3: Instruction Communicating Clearly and Accurately –Teacher’s oral and written communication is clear and expressive, anticipating possible student misconceptions. SIOP Components 1.Preparation 2.Building Background 3.Comprehensible Input
12 Domain 3: Instruction Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques –Students formulate many of the high-level questions and assume responsibility for the participation of all students in the discussion. SIOP Component 4. Strategies
13 Domain 3: Instruction Providing Feedback to Students –Teacher’s feedback to students is timely and of consistently high quality, and students make use of the feedback in their learning. SIOP Component 8. Review/Assessment
14 Domain 3: Instruction Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness –Teacher is highly responsive to student’ interests and questions, making major adjustments if necessary, and persist in ensuring the success of all students. SIOP Component 2. Building Background 7. Lesson Delivery
15 Domain 3: Instruction Engaging Students in Learning –Students are highly engaged throughout the lesson and make meaningful contributions to the representation of content, the activities and the materials. The structure and pacing of the lesson allow for student reflection and closure. SIOP Components 5. Interaction 6. Practice and Application 7. Lesson Delivery
16 Pocatello/Chubbuck Demographics 16 different languages 65% Hispanic –Up from 47% last year Greatest number of ESL students in any building is 8 District migrant population is 5
17 District Classified in Improvement Improvement 1 3 rd Indicator-Graduation Rate, Improvement 2 Reading, Alert Math Graduation Rate (83.32% - needed 84.2%) American Indian Reading Proficiency (60.24%) Hispanic Reading Proficiency (71.64%) LEP Reading Proficiency (48.94%) Economically Disadvantaged Reading Proficiency (74.52%) Students with Disabilities Reading Proficiency (51.11%) African American Math Proficiency (62.92%) American Indian Math Proficiency (47.77%) Hispanic Math Proficiency (63.33%) LEP Math Proficiency (57.45%) Economically Disadvantaged Math Proficiency (65.07%) Students with Disabilities Math Proficiency (44.89%)
18 Percent Proficient by Special Programs
19 Percent Proficient by Special Programs
22 Past Practices Two ESL teachers traveled to the 20 buildings. 30 minutes, maximum, instruction time to each students, often in small, mixed ability groups.
23 Changes to the ESL program We purchased ELLis Essentials software to support the elementary students. An evaluation of individual student needs allowed a priority list to be developed.
24 Changes to the ESL program This year, we began a secondary magnet program. 7 – 12 grade students travel to an ESL classroom for first and second hour. Twelve students and two teachers are involved. ELLis Academic software was purchased for reinforcement.
25 Evaluations/Questions SIOP Coaches Training Identified 2 coaches per elementary 4 coaches per secondary Coaches received 5.5 days of training Monthly follow-up training
26 Spring SIOP Coaching Post content and language objectives Observe another coach and calibrate one SIOP lesson component - Include a pre/post conference - Money for subs is available Turn in Spring SIOP Lesson Calibration form by Monday, May 8th
27 Spring SIOP Lesson Calibration SIOP Coaches Name: _________________________________ School:__________________ SIOP Coach Observed:________________________________ Date:______ Time:_________ Lesson Component Observed/Calibrated___________________________________________ Comments: __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Please return form to Kathy Luras by Monday, May 18th. Thank You!
28 SIOP Implementation Celebrations