Perspectives on UNESCO`s Arts Education Recommendations Ernst Wagner, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, UNESCO-Chair in Arts and Culture in Eduction
1.Ensure that arts education is accessible as a component of a high quality renewal of education. 2.Assure that arts education is of a high quality 3.Apply arts education to contribute to resolving the social and cultural challenges.
Dimensions of development in organizations: 1. development of content 2. development of human resources 3. development of the structure
Strategy 1.a: ”Affirm arts education as the foundation for balanced creative, cognitive, emotional, aesthetic and social development of children, youth and life-long learners.”
Strategy 3.c: ”Support the role of arts education in the promotion of social responsibility, social cohesion, cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue” Strategy 3.d ”Foster the capacity to respond to major global challenges, from peace to sustainability through arts education.”
Strategy 1.d: Build capacities for arts education leadership Strategy 2.c: Stimulate exchange between research and practice Strategy 2.b: Make sustainable training in arts education available Strategy.: Facilitate collaboration between educators and artists
The International Perspective
Socio-political Economic Educational Approaches
Socio-political Economic Educational Approaches Individual Societal Seoul Agenda Sustainable Development Diversity Convention Education For All Human Rights
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