Overview of the scientific, political and financial landscapes Climate-Smart Agriculture in West Africa: Dr Robert Zougmoré CCAFS Regional Program Leader West Africa High Level Forum of Climate-Smart Agriculture stakeholders in West Africa, Bamako, June 2015 Looking forwards…
1.Need to fill scientific knowledge gaps on climate and on CSA for various sectors in countries Climate predictions – future scenarios for agriculture, food security and environment CSA technologies, practices, tools… Metrics of climate-smart agriculture Country profiles of CSA Scientific perspective
1.Strong institutional & political will and instruments to support and promote the agriculture sector development 2.Specific sectoral policy instruments needed at country and regional levels to effectively mainstream climate change into agricultural development plans 3.Strong policy support to enable uptake, e.g. secure land and resource tenure; “market smart” input subsidies and farmer credit 4.Women and youth empowerment 5.Strategies for scaling-up Political perspective
1.Funding opportunities UNFCC e.g. Green Climate Fund, Least Developed Countries Fund, Adaptation Fund Multi-lateral e.g. IFAD Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Program, G8 Global Agriculture & Food Security Program, 25 by 25 initiative Countries economic growth initiatives Some private finance e.g. supply chain security, carbon markets, corporate social responsibility Financial perspective