Alice Workshop Working with Sound
Sound Working with sound is appealing to students Demo: Penguin Sound
Opportunity Using sound offers an opportunity to discuss fair use and copyright guidelines. For educational purposes, fair use and copyright guidelines rule of thumb is 30 seconds*. * Or 10%, whichever is less
Questions Questions students ask: Can more than 1 clip (from different sound files) be used? Yes Can a 30 second clip be played again and again? Yes How to get a 30 second sound clip?
Sound editor Alice is not, nor has, a sound editor. Obtain sound editor software Example: Audacity Freeware from
Soundcards Audacity works with OS Capturing sounds to a file Editing files Mixing different tracks OS of the computer uses a soundcard to Convert analog sound (from a CD) to digital format when recording, and Convert digital sound file to analog sound, when playing audio
Digital Sound Digital wave form Each dot in the figure above represents one audio sample.
Sample Rate The rate at which the samples are captured, measured in Hertz (Hz), or samples per second. For Alice clips we will use a sample rate of 22.5 KHz Higher sampling rates allow a digital recording of higher quality.
Sample Size Essentially this is the number of digits in the digital representation of each sample. Think of the sample rate as the horizontal precision of the digital waveform, and the sample size as the vertical precision. Higher sample sizes allow for more dynamic range - louder louds and softer softs
File Formats Uncompressed (Pulse Code Modulation) Each number in the file corresponds to one sample Audacity supports WAV, AIFF, and others Compressed Logarithmic encodings Audacity supports MP3 and Ogg Vorbis Not WMA and MPEG4 (AAU) Alice supports WAV and MP3
Launch Audacity Original Song Clip from Song
Penguin Sound Has a 3+ minute sound track Modify to use a 30 second clip repeatedly
Skate Routine Grab a 30 second clip from a song Import it into an existing world Add it to the skating routine