O What was the Missouri Compromise? O A law which stated that slavery could not take place north of the 36’ 30 degree line. O What was the Treaty of Medicine Lodge Creek? O Treaty signed after the Civil War in which Native American were supposed to go to the reservations in Indian Territory (Oklahoma) and receive supplies in return for being peaceful.
O What position did James Hogg have in Texas government? What kinds of laws did he support? O State attorney general and governor; anti-trust laws O Who were the buffalo soldiers? O African Americans soldiers on the frontier who fought against Native Americans.
O Where were cattle taken on cattle drives? O Railroads to be sent to cities like Chicago to be processed. O Why did the reservation policy fail? O Many Native Americans did not sign the peace treaty.
O What influence did railroads have on Texas? O Used to transport cattle to markets across the country and made cattle ranching very profitable; People settled next to the railroads. O What is Juneteenth? O On June 19, 1865, General Gordon Granger announced to Texas that slavery had ended. People continue to celebrate from slavery on that date.
O Who was the most successful inventor of barbed wire? O Joseph Glidden O How did ranchers use barbed wire? O To keep their cattle from running off; to make sure that they have a water supply.
O What influence did barbed wire have on ranching in Texas and the U.S? O The barbed wire put an end to the open range and ended the trail drives. O What was the most important crop grown in Texas in the late 1800s? O Cotton
O What was the Texas Railroad Commission? O It was set up by Governor James Hogg and stopped many unfair railroad practices O Which organization used violence to prevent African Americans from voting? O Ku Klux Klan
O What do we call the time period after the Civil War which reestablished governments in the South ( )? O Reconstruction O What was Spindletop? O The 1 st oil discovery in Texas and boosted overall economic development in the US and Texas.
O Which political party supported laws and candidates for government that protected farmers and factory workers? O The Populists O What was Prohibition? O The time period where alcohol was not allowed (18 th amendment). It lasted about 20 years- it was repealed in 1932.
O Describe the Galveston Hurricane of O A category 4 hurricane. People had very little warning which resulted in over 6,000 people dying. O What is an abolitionist? O Someone who supported the end of slavery.