PTEU Conceptual Framework Overview
Collaborative Development of Expertise in Teaching, Learning and Leadership Conceptual Framework Theme:
Development of the Conceptual Framework Collaboration with all stakeholders Collaboration with all stakeholders Discipline FacultyDiscipline Faculty PTEU FacultyPTEU Faculty Candidates (KSU students)Candidates (KSU students) Graduates of our programs (Alumni)Graduates of our programs (Alumni) Collaborating Teachers and PrincipalsCollaborating Teachers and Principals Advisory BoardsAdvisory Boards Community PartnersCommunity Partners
What are the KSDs? Knowledge Knowledge Skills Skills Dispositions Dispositions
Outcomes - Initial - Subject Matter Expert Subject Matter Expert Facilitator of Learning Facilitator of Learning Collaborative Professional Collaborative Professional Refer to handout for proficiencies that relate to each of these three outcomes
Subject Matter Expert Proficiencies 1.1. Candidate demonstrates broad, in-depth, and current knowledge of discipline content Candidate demonstrates broad, in-depth, and current knowledge of discipline content. 1.2: Candidate represents content accurately. 1.2: Candidate represents content accurately. 1.3: Candidate connects content to other disciplines and applies it to common life experiences. 1.3: Candidate connects content to other disciplines and applies it to common life experiences. 1.4: Candidate uses pedagogical content knowledge effectively. 1.4: Candidate uses pedagogical content knowledge effectively.
Facilitator of Learning Proficiencies 2.1 Candidate demonstrates knowledge of how learners develop, learn and think. 2.1 Candidate demonstrates knowledge of how learners develop, learn and think. 2.2: Candidate successfully motivates students to learn. 2.2: Candidate successfully motivates students to learn. 2.3: Candidate creates and implements instruction that embodies multiple cultures and a rich, diverse curriculum. 2.3: Candidate creates and implements instruction that embodies multiple cultures and a rich, diverse curriculum. 2.4: Candidate creates effective, well-managed and active learning environments. 2.4: Candidate creates effective, well-managed and active learning environments.
Facilitator of Learning Proficiencies 2.5: Candidate creates environments that reflect high expectations for student achievement. 2.5: Candidate creates environments that reflect high expectations for student achievement. 2.6: Candidate designs effective instruction. 2.6: Candidate designs effective instruction. 2.7: Candidate implements effective instruction that positively impacts the learning of all students. 2.7: Candidate implements effective instruction that positively impacts the learning of all students. 2.8: Candidate uses a variety of methods, materials, and technologies. 2.8: Candidate uses a variety of methods, materials, and technologies.
Facilitator of Learning Proficiencies 2.9: Candidate utilizes a variety of strategies to assess student learning. 2.9: Candidate utilizes a variety of strategies to assess student learning. 2.10: Candidate uses the results of assessments to improve the quality of instruction. 2.10: Candidate uses the results of assessments to improve the quality of instruction.
Collaborative Professional Proficiencies 3.1: Candidate communicates effectively orally and in writing. 3.1: Candidate communicates effectively orally and in writing. 3.2: Candidate reflects upon and improves professional performance. 3.2: Candidate reflects upon and improves professional performance. 3.3: Candidate builds collaborative and respectful relationships with colleagues, supervisors, students, parents and community members. 3.3: Candidate builds collaborative and respectful relationships with colleagues, supervisors, students, parents and community members. 3.4: Candidate displays professional and ethical behavior. 3.4: Candidate displays professional and ethical behavior.
CF Embraces Concepts Inherent In: NCATE/PSC – Unit Standards NCATE/PSC – Unit Standards BOR Principles BOR Principles Specialized Professional Association (SPA) Standards Specialized Professional Association (SPA) Standards PSC Program Rules PSC Program Rules GA Framework GA Framework INTASC INTASC NBPTS NBPTS
CF Is Present In: CurriculumSyllabiAssessments
MAT Programs Approved by PSC Bagwell College of Education College of the Arts College of Humanities & Social Science College of Science & Mathematics TESOLArtEnglishBiology Chemistry Mathematics Physics
Endorsements Approved by PSC Bagwell College of Education College of the Arts College of Humanities & Social Science College of Science & Mathematics ESOL Reading
PTEU Assessment System Overview
Common (Unit-level) Assessments Candidate Performance Instrument (CPI)Candidate Performance Instrument (CPI) Impact on Student Learning Assignment and Rubric (ISLA)Impact on Student Learning Assignment and Rubric (ISLA) Portfolio Narrative and Rubric (PNR)Portfolio Narrative and Rubric (PNR)
Program Specific Assessments 1)Content (GACE) 2)Content (2 nd content) 3)Planning Assessment 4)Implementation (Clinical) Assessment 5)Student Learning Assessment 6)Dispositions Assessment 7)Optional – additional assessment 8)Optional – additional assessment
External Voices Feedback From: 1)Student Teachers 2)Collaborating Teachers 3)Collaborating Principals 4)Graduates (Alumni) 5)Employers 6)Advisory Committees (unit & program levels)
Decision Points in Programs Acceptance at Decision Points Initial Programs Entry to Teacher Education Entry to Teacher Education Entry to TOSS/Practicum/IDA Entry to TOSS/Practicum/IDA Entry to Student Teaching Entry to Student Teaching Exit from Student Teaching Exit from Student Teaching Advanced Programs: Entry to Graduate Program Entry to Graduate Program Mid Review Mid Review Exit from Program Exit from Program
Evidence Room Links Unit assessments (see Standards 1 & 2) Unit assessments (see Standards 1 & 2) Program Specific Assessments (see PROBE) Program Specific Assessments (see PROBE) Unit Decision Points (see Standard 2) Unit Decision Points (see Standard 2) Program Specific Admission Requirements (see PROBE) Program Specific Admission Requirements (see PROBE)
Unit Operations Facilities, Library, Technology Resources Facilities, Library, Technology Resources Support Services (e.g. Advisement, Admissions, Field Experiences) Support Services (e.g. Advisement, Admissions, Field Experiences) Budgets Budgets Personnel (Faculty, Staff, Administration) Personnel (Faculty, Staff, Administration) Governance Governance
DATA SOURC E TIER Program AssessmentUnit Assessment InternalCandidate Performance: Program specific requirements at admission points and exit Key assessments of professional content standards (SPA & PSC) Candidate Performance Assessment Instrument (CPI) Portfolio Narrative Rubric Impact on Student Learning Rubric Infusion of technology Self assessment Candidate Performance: Common requirements at each decision point of admission/exit Candidate Performance Assessment Instrument (CPI) at Exit Portfolio Narrative Rubric Impact on Student Learning Rubric Field Experiences: Placements during content area courses Placements during TOSS/practicum, student teaching, internships Observations Applications in own classroom (advanced) Field Experiences: Placements in core courses (EDUC 2110, 2120, 2130, and INED 3304); student teaching; selected MAT courses Observations Diversity: Candidates Field Experiences Faculty Recruitment & Retention End of Program: Candidate survey Faculty: Biographical information Vita and supporting documentation Candidate evaluations Performance reviews (e.g. annual, T&P, Post-Tenure Review Resources: Budget Facilities Technology Unit operations/centers ExternalCandidate Performance: GACE I GACE II MAT/GRE Collaborating teachers End of Program Collaborating teachers survey (initial only) Principal survey (initial only) Graduates: First Year Survey Second Year Survey (initial only) Employers: Surveys
Comprehensive Process Collection, Aggregation, Analysis, Reporting, & Reflection Of Useful Data
Education Information Center (EIC) Phasing Out
Chalk and Wire Portfolio System
Chalk and Wire A digital ePortfolio and assessment system that can support multiple unit and program assessment plans simultaneously. A digital ePortfolio and assessment system that can support multiple unit and program assessment plans simultaneously. Our purpose for C&W is to provide flexible yet connected assessment options for individual program areas. Our purpose for C&W is to provide flexible yet connected assessment options for individual program areas.
ePortfolio Application ePortfolio for Program Completion ePortfolio for Program Completion Chalk and Wire ePortfolio Chalk and Wire ePortfolio Rubric Based Assessments Rubric Based Assessments
Sample ePortfolio
Data Analysis CW Reporter CW Reporter
Data Reflections
Comprehensive Process Collection, Aggregation, Analysis, Reporting, & Reflection Of Useful Data
So What? Systematic Data Reflections Across the Unit
Electronic Evidence See Website