Numerous Numbers 1-10 American Sign Language Grade 9 Designed By Taisha Speights
Objective An introduction into the hand shapes and palm orientation of numbers 1-10 in ASL. Students will be able to use the correct hand shapes and palm orientations to create the numbers Students will be able to recognize and sign numbers and number sets.
Objectives (cont.) Procedures Students will watch the PowerPoint presentation to learn about the number using the different hand shapes and palm orientations. Students will watch each slide and practice each number using their own hands. Teacher will make sure that everyone is doing it correctly and help those who need more assistance. Students will then take number quiz using PowerPoint presentation.
Parameters of Sign for Numbers Hand shape The configuration the hand assumes when beginning to make or making the sign. Palm Orientation The direction in which the hand is turned. The orientation or the palm of the hand faces: up, down, left, or right.
ONE Palm of dominant hand faces the signer and the index finger is point up.
Two Palm of dominant hand faces the signer. Index and middle fingers are pointed up.
Three Palm of dominant hand faces the signer. Index, middle and thumb fingers are pointed.
Four Palm of dominant hand faces signer. Pointer, middle, ring, and pinky are pointed. (No Thumb)
Five Palm of dominant hand faces signer. All fingers pointed out.
Six Palm of dominant hand faces away from the signer. The thumb and pinky touch. Pointer, middle and ring fingers are pointed up.
Seven Palm of dominant hand faces away from the signer. The thumb and ring finger touch. Pinky, middle and pointer fingers pointing up.
Eight Palm of dominant hand faces away from the signer. The thumb and middle finger touch. Pinky, ring, and pointer finger pointing up.
Nine Palm of dominant hand faces away from the signer. The thumb and pointer finger touch. The pinky, ring, and middle fingers pointing up.
Ten Make the a hand shape with the thumb pointing up. Move the wrist from side to side.
QUIZ TIME Click on the picture to begin Click on the correct answer to move to the next question.
Question Number One: What is this sign? I1L 9I1L 9
Question Number Two: What sign is this? 6F396F39
Question Number Three: What sign is this? 3W623W62
Question Number Four: What sign is this? W3B6W3B6
Question Number Five: What Sign is this? 98M298M2
Question Number Six: What is this sign? V72UV72U
Question Number Seven: What is this sign? 7W8E7W8E
What is the number set? 2,7,62,7,6 ; 7,9,3 ; 8,7,17,9,38,7,1
What is this number set? 2,4,62,4,6 ; 1,3,5 ; 3,6,91,3,53,6,9
CONGRATULATIONS You Did It!! Now You Can Move on to 11-20
Resources Lentz, E.M., Mikos, K., Smith, C. (1988). Signing Naturally: Student workbook level 1. San Diego, CA. Vicars, W. (January 8, 1997). ASL University retrieved from:
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