American Printing House for the Blind-Federal Quota Registration Process
The APH Count is conducted annually beginning the first Monday in January. The APH Count includes students who meet the definition of blindness. The APH Count requires a process that validates whether a student qualifies based on APH requirements. The APH Count provides resources based on the number of students who qualify and the allocated dollar by Congress.
The APH Count was instituted by Congress in 1879 under the Federal Act to Promote the Education of the Blind. The APH Count supports students who meet the definition of blindness, 20/200 (Typical vision is 20/20). The APH Count includes students that meet the definition of blindness and attend all public and private schools, as well as students who are home schooled. The APH Count provides instructional materials through the American Printing House for the Blind (APH).
Students must meet the following requirements: Meet the definition of blindness, 20/200, as diagnosed by a qualified professional. (i.e.: Optometrist, Neurologist, or Eye Care Specialist). Be enrolled in private, public, or nonprofit educational programs, as well as home schooled. Qualify under other disabilities such as Brain Injury, cortical vision impairment (CVI), or multiple disabilities when their visual function meets the definition of blindness.
Registrants must meet the functionality requirement: ▪MDB – a central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with best correction (using the Snellen Chart) or a visual field of 20 degrees or less or ▪FDB – when visual function meets the definition of blindness as determined by an eye care specialist (ophthalmologist or optometrist) or other medical doctor such as a neurologist Less than college level work - federal law limits registration to persons working at less than college level
Adults must meet the following requirements: Meet the definition of blindness, 20/200, as diagnosed by a qualified professional. (i.e.: Optometrist, Neurologist, or Eye Care Specialist. Be enrolled in an instructional program for 20 hours per week, less than college level(Vocational, Hospital, Jobs skills). Qualified under other disabilities such as Brain Injury, Cortical Vision Impairment (CVI), or multiple disabilities when their visual function meets the definition of blindness.
Resources and instructional materials provided for eligible students. Congress appropriates APH Quota Funds to purchase these resources and instructional materials. The APH Quota Funds for each state are determined by the number of students registered on the count. More Students Registered=More Resources
To promote the independence of blind and visually impaired persons by providing special media, tools, and materials needed for education and life. Field Services provides the informational, consultative, and administrative services offered by APH staff.
Continuing students on the APH count: Update and submit information on the 2014 Preliminary Student APH Count Registration Form Complete and submit the 2014 APH Count Registration of a Legally Blind Student Form. Complete and submit 2014 APH Count Assurance Form. Keep on file eye reports and permission forms at local level.
NHDOE is sending 2013 APH registration paperwork/information to prepare 2014 count Please update and return 2014 APH registration paper work Please remember eye reports permission forms are not required every year. Please call for any questions all are important !
Adult Students Includes all eligible participants over school age as determined by individual state law. Reporting Code: AD Definition of the Adult Student Placement Category Eligible adult students are those who meet the definition of blindness and who are enrolled in instructional programs, at less than college level, for 20 hours per week. Social and leisure programs do not qualify as instruction. However, student practice to develop skills can be included in instructional hours. Registration will be determined by the number of students enrolled throughout the previous calendar year for at least three months of instruction (an accumulation of 12 weeks). The twelve weeks do not have to be consecutive weeks.
New students on the APH Count: Complete information on the 2014 APH Count Preliminary Student Registration Form. Complete the 2014 APH Count Registration of a Legally Blind Student Form Complete APH Count Assurance Form Keep on file eye reports and permission forms at local level.
Measurements of visual acuity must be current. Exceptions include students who are totally blind or whose eyes have been enucleated or who have proven non-changing eye conditions. The actual eye report form is not to be submitted to APH, but must be on file at the local school or center where the student is enrolled in the event that an audit requires evidence of the student’s visual measurement. APH does not require or suggest that eye reports, or copies, be kept on file with Ex Officio Trustees.
Student Date of Birth School /District /Agency Grade Visual Function Language Primary Reading Medium Secondary Reading Medium Third Reading Medium
Vision Measurement and Reporting Codes Chart Student Placement Codes Chart Reading Mediums and Code Chart
Reporting CodeVisual Measurement MDB Meets the Definition of Blindness: Central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with best correction; or a peripheral field so contracted that the widest diameter of such field subtends an angular distance no greater than 20 degrees Example:20/200 20/400 Right and Left Eye Acuities Distance Vision: Measurement on an eye chart: 20/200 or less with maximum correction VF and degree of restriction (e.g., VF 20; VF 6) Visual Field: Restricted field of 20 degrees or less CF Counts Fingers: Should be used only when an eye specialist finds it is not possible to obtain an acuity by using an eye chart HM Hand Movements: Should be used only when an eye specialist finds it is not possible to obtain an acuity by using an eye chart OPObject Perception LPLight Perception NILTotally Blind FDB Functions at the Definition of Blindness: Visual performance reduced by a brain injury or dysfunction that meets the definition of blindness as determined by an eye specialist or neurologist
Primary Language spoken in the classroom English Spanish Other ( American Sign language)
Reporting CodeDefinition of Student Placement Categories IP In Infants Children served by infant programs PS Pr Preschool Students: Children of preschool age served by preschool programs KG Ki Kindergarten: Children enrolled in kindergarten classes 01–12 Students of School Age: Students in regular academic grades 01 through 12, as determined by State law. Indicate grade placement by using numerals 01 through 12 AN Ac Academic Non-Graded: Students of school age, as determined by State law, who are working to establish grade placement in an academic program (e.g., students who are working to acquire skills necessary for placement in regular grades) TR V Transition Students: Students of school age as determined by State law in secondary instructional programs design to supplement the traditional academic curriculum. FC Po Functional Curriculum Students: Students in 01 through 12 working toward a graduation certificate or non-traditional diploma. OR Ot Other Registrants: Students of school age, as determined by State law, who do not fall into any of the other placements (e.g., students in prevocational and other classes for nonacademic students) AD Ad Adult Student: Students over school age as determined by individual state law. Eligible adult students are those who meet the definition of blindness and who are enrolled in instructional programs, at less than college level, for 20 hours per week. Registration will be determined by the number of students enrolled throughout the previous calendar year for at least three months of instruction (an accumulation of 12 weeks). The twelve weeks do not have to be consecutive weeks.
Measurement of Vision with Correction - Measurements of visual acuity must be current as defined by your agency, state, or governing authority. Exceptions include students who are totally blind or whose eyes have been enucleated or who have proven non-changing eye conditions. Functions at the definition of blindness (FDB) - when visual function meets the definition of blindness by an eye care specialist (ophthalmologist or optometrist) or other medical doctor such as a neurologist
Primary Language definition ▪Was: Primary language spoken in the classroo m ▪Now: Primary language used for instruction in the classroom
Primary Language cont. ▪Ex Officio Trustees are requested to gather the primary instructional language of learner and report this data in the Student Registration System (SRS) ▪N/A (not applicable) – option no longer valid in 2014 ▪N/A used in 2013 must be changed to one of the other codes in 2014: EN – English SP – Spanish OT – Other
Primary Reading Medium Code Change PRM Code Change of P to PRE PRE = Pre-reader (same meaning as P code used in the previous census; should prevent confusion associated with P meaning print)
Grade Codes that Have Not Changed IP - Infants: Children of preschool age served by infant programs PS - Preschool Students: Children of preschool age served by preschool programs KG - Kindergarten Students: Children enrolled in kindergarten classes Students of School Age: Determined by state law, in regular academic grades 1 through 12. Please indicate grade placement by using numerals 01 through 12
Grade codes that have changed No Longer Used: PG - Postgraduate VO - Vocational New Grade Codes: FC - Functional Curriculum Students: Students in grades working toward a graduation certificate or non-traditional diploma TR - Transition Students: Students of school age, as determined by state law, in secondary instructional programs designed to supplement the traditional academic curriculum. Could include students in post-graduate programs at less than college level OR-Other Registrants :Students of school ages, as determined by State Law who do not fall into any other placement categories
The following completed documents need to be on file in the local agency, school or district. Current Eye Report Updated every three years Current /Signed Parent Permission Form Not required every year Written Education Plan
Phase I of the 2013 APH Count is conducted from Monday, January 6, 2014 to Friday February 14,2014. No students can be registered beyond Friday February 14,2013. Phase II of the 2014 allows time to complete information originally submitted to the APH Count. Phase III validates and finalizes the APH Count for that year.
▪Phase 1 – Update, mark for deletion, and add new students – Ends March 15 th every year ▪Phase 2 – Possible duplicate corrections/clarification of duplicates found by the SRS system ▪Phase 3 – Possible duplicate corrections/clarification of duplicates found by manual review of all registrants ▪Phase 4 – Finalize census: save final reports and spreadsheet, EOT submission of the Certificate of Attendance
Dr. Maynard Wheeler, Concord Eye Care: Volunteers his time to work on the 2014 APH Count He will confirm or decide if a student is eligible should you have questions. Please work with Mary Lane to send Dr. Wheeler current documentation and consent forms. Contact Mary at or
You will receive your 2014 APH Count Registration Packets in December, Please contact Mary Lane at or by phone at with any questions and concerns about the 2014 APH Count. Our goal is to find all students eligible for the 2014 APH Count.
APH Count qualifies students to receive instructional materials APH Count is part of NHAIM APH Count students can benefit from technical assistance and training to districts
You are a very valuable part of the Federal Quota Program !