S.Türkseven 1, M.Demirci 2, Y.Nemli 1, A.Uludag 3 2 nd International Conferance Novel and Sustainable Weed Management in Arid and Semiarid Agroecosystems.


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Presentation transcript:

S.Türkseven 1, M.Demirci 2, Y.Nemli 1, A.Uludag 3 2 nd International Conferance Novel and Sustainable Weed Management in Arid and Semiarid Agroecosystems September 7-10, 2009 Santorini - Greece 1 Ege Universty, Faculty of Agriculture, İzmir,Turkey 2 AgroBest Grup, İzmir,Turkey 3 Agriculturel Qurantine Department, İzmir, Turkey

 hectare ton Central Anatolia Product Region Çukurova R. Ege. R. Marmara R.

 20-40% crop is lost due to weeds in wheat in Turkey (Güncan, 2006; Özer, 1997)

Important Weeds in Wheat Fields in The Çukurova Region (Boz, 1992; Boz and Uygur, 1993; Orel, 1996; Boz, 1997; Uygur, 1997) Avena sterilis Vicia sativa Sinapis arvensis Convolvulus arvensis Silybum marianum Phalaris spp. Lolium spp. Matricaria chamomilla Alopecurus myosuroides Capsella bursa-pastoris Vaccaria pyramidata Vicia narbonensis Anagallis arvensis Lathyrus spp. Medicago spp. Papaver rhoeas Stellaria media (borrowed from A.ULUDAG)

Important Weeds in Wheat Fields in The Central Anatolia Region (Taştan and Erciş, 1991) Bifora radians Bromus tectorum Boreava orientalis Centaurea depressa Galium tricornutum Polygonum bellardii Wiedemannia orientalis Sinapis arvensis Alopecurus myosuroides Aegilops cylindriaca Lolium temulentum Turgenia latifolia Echinaria capitata Cirsium arvense Hypecoum imberbe Avena fatua Acroptilon repens Chenopodium album (borrowed from A.ULUDAG)

 Avena spp.  Phalaris spp.  Lolium spp.  Alopecurus spp.  Bromus spp.

There are 8 Avena species in Turkey; (Davis, 1985)  Avena fatua  Avena sterilis

There are 8 Phalaris species in Turkey; (Davis, 1985)  Phalaris minor  Phalaris paradoxa  Phalaris brachystachys

There are 6 Lolium species in Turkey; (Davis, 1985)  Lolium temulentum  Lolium rigidum  Lolium multiflorum

There are 18 Alopecurus species in Turkey; (Davis, 1985)  Alopecurus myosuroides

There are 36 Bromus species in Turkey; (Davis, 1985)  Bromus arvensis  Bromus inermis  Bromus japonicus  Bromus secalinus  Bromus sterilis  Bromus tectorum

YearActive ingredientTrade nameBromus efficacy 1970s difenzequat Avenge- 1970s flomprop-p-ethyl Suffix dichlofop methyl İlloxan fenexoprop-p-ethyl Puma Süper tralkoxydim Splendor clodinofop propargyl Topik iodosulfuron methyl sodium + mesosulfuron methyl Atlantis sulfosulfuron Monitor propoxycarbazone Attribut pinoxaden Axial propoxycarbazone + mesosulfuron methyl Attribut Süper proxylam+cloquintocet methyl Perun+

Survey area for Bromus spp.

Bromus tectorum L.Bromus japonicus Thunb.

LocationSoil Property RotationNumber of Fields Bromus spp. B. tectorum alone B. tectorum & B. japonicus Çanakkale KumkaleFertile+5110 Çanakkale MerkezFertile BigaFertile BigaBarren_10862 Biga MerkezFertile BalıkesirFertile BalıkesirBarren-5440 GönenFertile GönenBarren BandırmaFertile+5000 Bandırma KülefliFertile+5110 Bandırma OrhaniyeFertile+5000 ManyasFertile+5110 Manyas GölyakaFertile+5110 Manyas KocagölFertile+5220 Susurluk GöbelBarren-5202 Susurluk YahyaköyFertile-5110 Susurluk ÜmiteliBarren+5321 Total

 Bromus spp. %30.4  Bromus tectorum alone %84.2 B.tectorum +B.japonicus %15.8

 Use of herbicides control other weeds  Minimum and/or shallow tillage  Lack of crop rotation or rotation in short term

Bromus tectorum in dryland winter wheat presents a major constraint to the adoption of reduced tillage cropping systems in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Effective suppression of downy brome during fallow periods depletes seed in the soil and reduces infestations in subsequent winter wheat crops. Delayed tillage operations or delayed herbicide applications in the spring increase the risk for production of viable downy brome seed during fallow periods. (Ball et al.2004)

 It has been observed for six years, which we started checking fields for Bromus infestation, that there has been notable increase the number of fields with Bromus infestation and intensity of Bromus in individual fields.  In the beginning Bromus were observed at field edges.  There has been increasing need to control Bromus in wheat fields of study area.

Thank you very much 2 nd International Conferance Novel and Sustainable Weed Management in Arid and Semiarid Agroecosystems September 7-10, 2009 Santorini - Greece