2005 Dues Rates and Membership Development Programs Michael J. Binder MD Retreat 29 April 2005
Higher Grade Dues Rates Base Dues IEEE-USA Asses.* Regional Assess.TaxTotal Dues R1$116.00$35.00$ $ R2$116.00$ $ R3$116.00$35.00$ $ R4$116.00$35.00$ $ R5$116.00$35.00$ $ R6$116.00$35.00$ $ R7 GST$ $15.00$8.12$ R7 HST$ $15.00$17.40$ R8$ $ $ R9$ $ $ R10$ $ $ * Includes $2 ABET Assessment
3 Higher Grade Half Year Rates Full Year Rate Sep 1 – Feb 28 ½ Year Rate Mar 1 – Aug 15 R1$153.00$76.50 R2$151.00$75.50 R3$153.00$76.50 R4$152.00$76.00 R5$153.00$76.50 R6$152.00$76.00 R7 GST$139.12$69.56 R7 HST$148.40$74.20 R8$127.00$63.50 R9$120.00$60.00 R10$121.00$60.50 You can not take advantage of half-year rates if you were a member the previous year. Half year rates also apply to Society Memberships. You can not have been a member of that Society the previous year.
4 Special Consideration Dues Programs* Unemployed – 50% Reduction in Dues Involuntarily unemployed and seeking employment Minimum Income – 50% Reduction in Dues Prior year’s income does not exceed 100 times base dues rate ($11,600 in 2005) Retired - 50% Reduction in Dues Not gainfully employed Minimum 62 years old Recent Graduate – 50% Reduction in Dues Available to IEEE Student members for the 1 st year after their graduation from any degree program One-time lifetime availability Life member – All Dues and Assessment Waived Minimum 65 years old Age + IEEE years of service = 100 or more Change of status is processed automatically by IEEE when the member becomes eligible * Available to Higher Grade members only.
Student Dues Rates Base Dues IEEE-USA Asses.* Regional Assess.TaxTotal Dues R1$ $30.00 R2$ $30.00 R3$ $30.00 R4$ $30.00 R5$ $30.00 R6$ $30.00 R7 GST$ $2.10$32.10 R7 HST$ $4.50$34.50 R8$ $25.00 R9$ $25.00 R10$ $25.00
6 Student Half Year Rates Full Year Rates Sep 1 – Feb 28 ½ Year Rates Mar 1 – Aug 15 R1$30.00$15.00 R2$30.00$15.00 R3$30.00$15.00 R4$30.00$15.00 R5$30.00$15.00 R6$30.00$15.00 R7 GST$32.10$16.05 R7 HST$34.50$17.25 R8$25.00$12.50 R9$25.00$12.50 R10$25.00$12.50
Membership Development Programs Recruitment Retention Recovery Recognition
8 Nominate a Senior Member Initiative l Purpose: l Promote elevation of members to Sr. Member Grade by encouraging Sections and Societies to nominate potential candidates (Recognition and Retention) l Details: l Sections/Societies receive $10 for each successful nomination l Elevated member receives a plaque and a $25 voucher to join a “new” Society l Section/Society rebates are paid at year-end. $12.4K in 2004 l Elevations have been growing since program began. l In 2004 there were 2,081 elevations. l 801 Section nominations l 441 Society nominations
9 Arrears Telemarketing Outreach Regions 1 to 7 l Purpose: l To recapture US and Canadian Members whose memberships have not been renewed (retention) l Details: l Program commences immediately after Service Terminator (approx. Feb 28) and runs through May l Calls are made by personnel from Member Services Dept. who are familiar with member products, services & benefits l An attempt is made to contact each Higher Grade member l In 2004 this program resulted in 2,505 IEEE membership renewals and 2,278 Society renewals. The program recovered dues revenues of $523.8K
10 Arrears Outreach Regions 8 to 10 l Purpose: l To recapture members in Regions 8, 9 and 10, who have not renewed their membership (retention) l Details: l Like the telemarketing outreach, this program commences immediately after Service Terminator (~Feb 28) l messages are sent to all members in arrears. l The program runs over a three week period, addressing one Region each week.
11 Conference Membership Recruitment l Purpose: l To use IEEE Conferences as a mechanism for capturing new IEEE members and encouraging Society membership (recruitment) l Details: l IEEE Membership Development will pay for one free Society membership to any new Higher Grade member joining IEEE at a conference l Conference organizers should contact Felicia Taylor to advise dates/locations of conference and to receive a tracking code to place on l Highly recommend a staffed membership desk be set up at the conference. MD materials are available for use at the desk.
12 Membership Development Promotional Materials l Purpose: l To provide volunteers with printed and electronic materials for use in promoting membership (recruitment, retention) l Details: l Print collateral (applications, posters, etc.) can be ordered via an online order form located at: l Advertisements (print and web) can be ordered from the online promotional library at:
13 B-59 Mailing l Purpose: l To capture a post-graduation address from graduating students so as not to lose contact after they graduate (retention) l Details: l Outreach occurs in 5 “waves” throughout the year to try and align with graduation dates l Students who have an address on record are contacted via . Students without an contact are sent a postal mailing l All are encouraged to respond via the web, but the postal mailing also includes a printed reply card l Last year those who responded were offered a chance to win a 1-year subscription to IEEE MDL.
14 Member-Get-A-Member Student-Get-A-Student l Purpose: l To use the very best sales force we have (IEEE members and IEEE Students) to attract new members and new student members (recruitment) l Details: l Program provides cash vouchers to recruiters paid in September l $5 per HG member recruited l $5 for 2-4 students, $10 for 5-7 students, $15 for 8+ l Support materials are available to assist (MGM/SGS flyers) l 2004 program results: l 1,954 Members Recruited l 4,364 Students Recruited l Payout to Recruiters was $11.8K
15 END