The life of the Buddha..


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Presentation transcript:

The life of the Buddha.

Siddartha Gautama was the son of a King of the Sakya clan, who ruled in Lumbini; a city in Northern India. It had been prophesied that he would be a great king, unless he saw human suffering, in which case he would be a great sage. His father wanted him to grow up to be a great king, and arranged for him to be educated properly, in isolation from the world.

Siddartha grew up in unimaginable luxury Siddartha grew up in unimaginable luxury. His palace was protected from the world, and he was educated as a prince should be, in art, music, diplomacy, and warfare. He was attended only by beautiful, young servants. He married a beautiful princess, and had a son.

Whenever Siddartha left the palace, he was attended by an army of attendants, who moved all ordinary people out of the way!

One day, bored with life in the palace, Siddartha went on a journey, without his usual attendants. He sneaked out of the palace, with only his charioteer for company. As they drove along, Siddartha saw things that he had never seen before; new sights, visions of the way that ordinary people lived!

First, beside the road, Siddartha saw a sick man First, beside the road, Siddartha saw a sick man. “What is the matter with him?” he asked the Charioteer, as he had never seen anyone sick before!

“He is sick, my Lord” replied the charioteer. “Why” asked Siddartha, “What has he done to deserve such a terrible fate?” “Nothing Lord, sickness comes to all of us.” Siddartha was struck dumb, terrified by the thought that he, although young and strong, might become ill!

Next, Siddartha saw an old man sitting by the road; wizened with age, more like a bundle of rags than a man. Hunched over, wrinkled. “What is the matter with him? He asked. “He is old, My Lord”, replied the charioteer, who then had to explain to a shocked Siddartha, that this was an inevitable part of life!

Now the charioteer explained about death to him; how it means the end of life, and how it comes to all, no matter how rich or powerful they are. “Death is inevitable. My Lord,” he said. Siddartha was paralysed with fear! Next they saw a corpse, laid out on a funeral pyre for cremation. “What is this” asked Siddartha, “Why are they burning him?”

They drove along in silence, Siddartha lost in his thoughts They drove along in silence, Siddartha lost in his thoughts. All his riches, all his youth, all his health would go; he would experience sickness, old age, and death. How could he face such suffering happening to him?

On their way back to the palace, they saw one more sight On their way back to the palace, they saw one more sight. An old man, in a tattered orange robe, who walked along the road with a firm stride, his gaze fixed on the horizon, a smile playing on his lips. “Who is that?” said Siddartha, and how can he smile when sickness, old age and death await?”

“He is a holy man, My Lord”, replied the charioteer “He is a holy man, My Lord”, replied the charioteer. “He has abandoned all his possessions, and his life, to live in the forest, and work hard at liberating himself from suffering. By leaving the world he hopes to find the truth”

That night, in the palace, Siddartha could not sleep, tormented by what he had seen, he lay awake and worried. Not even his wealth and power could save him from Sickness, Old age and Death. He decided to follow the holy man, and ask for his help. He kissed his wife and son goodbye. He climbed over the wall in secret, cut off his hair with his sword, swapped his rich clothes with a beggar’s rags, and vanished into the night.

Siddartha spent the next six years with the ascetics Siddartha spent the next six years with the ascetics. He learned to meditate, and practiced yoga to try and control his body, and free his soul. He practiced fierce austerities, eating only a few grains of rice each day, and meditating for weeks at a time; trying to force himself to happiness.

Eventually, as he sat in meditation, terribly emaciated, he realised that he had achieved nothing. Neither as a rich prince, nor as a penniless ascetic, could he find happiness.

Rising from his seat, he left the other ascetics, and seated himself under a tree. He vowed that he would not move, until he had discovered the secret of happiness. As he sat in meditation, he saw his previous lives, and understood all the suffering which he had undergone. Although tempted by “demons” of lust and anger, he overcame all of them, and when morning came, he understood how to be happy; he was enlightened!

He touched the earth, as the witness to his achievement, and rose to begin his new life; no longer Siddartha Gautama, no longer the Ascetic, he was now the enlightened teacher: The Buddha