SITA Corporate Initiatives Dedicated to H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Objective: Spread Sahaja Yoga through the medium of Stress Management Workshops in Corporates Description: Methodology of Workshop Coverage – Statistics & Companies Snapshot of Feedback Stress Management Workshops
Stress Management Workshops - Methodology Day1: How to use Sahaja Yoga Meditation for effectively managing Stress Day2 : Learning to do Regular Meditation at home Day3 : Techniques & Guided meditation at each Energy Center
Stress Management Workshops – Coverage & Feedback 1Did the workshop cater to your requirements 2 Has your understanding of meditation and Subtle system enhanced 3 Did you experience any Vibrations on your palms and top of your head 4Did you feel relaxed after Meditation 5 Has the learning from the workshop been experimental & practical 6Is the meditation technique easy to practice 7Would you like to continue meditation at home Nearly 500 Corporate Employees have taken realization through these 3 Day Workshops conducted across the above mentioned Organizations Feedback Summary
Jai Shri Mataji!!!