Recent Developments in Autism Studies Prof. Rita Jordan PhD OBE Emeritus Professor in Autism Studies University of Birmingham, UK Bolton Adult Asperger Support: Choices & Solutions: Autism Seminar 14 th July, 2015, Bolton
A Developmental Disorder compensation secondary 'handicaps' transactional process learn skills but processing difficulties remain life-long need for understanding & support
What’s Special about ASD? need to learn explicitly what others acquire intuitively or through social tutoring identity of self/ other saliency of social signals agency and intention relevance and priority social/cultural meaning nature of communication emotional consciousness
Communication & ASD language and communication separate prognosis all aspects: gesture posture facial expression emotion pragmatics processing problems & literal understanding idioms pronouns speed of delivery
Sensory Issues evidence that at extremes both over- and under-responsive to different senses ‘over-responsive’: sensory avoiding; ‘under-responsive’: sensory seeking most sensory avoiding shield from sensitivities and/or desensitise attach meaning to perception - reduce ‘bombardment’ of meaningless stimulation aware of variability - use proximal blocks give environmental control to individual if possible reduce overall stress teach to monitor and manage levels of arousal
Build on Strengths relationships - use them relationships - use them getting consistency across staff getting consistency across staff motivating the students to learn motivating the students to learn work with CAL work with CAL detailed planning detailed planning plan to pre-empt difficulties rather than ‘mopping up’ plan to pre-empt difficulties rather than ‘mopping up’ opportunities to apply learning - plan for some ‘out of the box’ lessons that use the environmental facilities available opportunities to apply learning - plan for some ‘out of the box’ lessons that use the environmental facilities available make lessons fit into life rather than be apart from it make lessons fit into life rather than be apart from it make learning meaningful make learning meaningful
Ecological Curriculum assess individual assess current and future environments & occupations gaps in skills, appreciation, knowledge and experience form curriculum goals teach in functional ways practise in functional contexts
Goal is Q of Life not getting through the lesson try not to give definite answers or models when there are exceptions be authentic & praise effort, not success don’t introduce unnecessary levels of learning e.g. fake materials when the real is available appreciate the value of contact time don’t use it for work that could be done independently always think what is the student learning rather than what am I teaching use structure to make choices (and non-choices) clear make learning meaningful e.g. cleaning tables example
Working Towards Adult Life work (meaningful occupation) enjoyable leisure accommodation (changing needs?) ‘friends’ - informed choice intimate relationships? sex? contact with relatives ‘belonging’ holidays - varied experiences income of one’s own independent & self-advocacy skills
Healthy Sexuality Knowledge difference between public & private understanding different relationships self advocacy - express feelings/ needs understand age appropriate information able to set (and keep to) limits and boundaries able to choose & make decisions ‘Circles of Intimacy’ not rigid rules
Preventing sexual abuse teach & rehearse safety plans teach about masturbation teach self assertion and right to say ‘no’ meaning of behaviour dress codes compliments invitations eye gaze ‘friend’ behaviour
Relaxation work then play routines time for rituals teach ‘pauses’ in rituals teach choice in schedules techniques for relaxation practise tensing & relaxing, meditation, arms folded sensory aromatherapy music deep pressure Squeeze machines deep massage exercise
Independence involves learning about others and self teach awareness of self: knowledge & skills emotions needs (& when/ how to express them) saying and meaning - teach difference social & self-help skills in context – joint tasks (‘SHEDS’) visual structure more likely to lead to independence making informed choices
Some Barriers to Progress motivation need to see goal and share in goal anxiety teach coping strategies aware of effects of unpredictable or new rituals teach to tolerate ‘pauses’ in routines from early age behaviours of concern low arousal teaching & support flow charts for responsibility
Teaching Consequences less able - single track more able - railway - no turns 2 clear termini with no connections choice point emphasised Moment of choice Problem Taught alternative
Dealing with Loss & Disappointment loss of a person replace the function & place in the life of the person connect ‘happy memory’ pictures with future plans loss of a goal start early in teaching alternative routes to a goal teach disappointment in supportive settings
Value of work normalised & valued - occupation & self-esteem depends on culture & effort (Jordan (2002) social problems most likely to lead to failure - need some support in work place more likely to lead to friendships if supported (see Clayborne-Park 1993)
'Normalist' assumptions excludes the particular needs of individuals denies the right to be different Treating people equally means treating them differently, according to need
Learn to Listen