NGB-CD Technology Consortium “Strength Through Cooperation” Major Michael L. Thomas Technical Projects Officer Major Michael L. Thomas Technical Projects Officer
Overview Standardized C-130 pallet Major design constraints Operator station C-130 power capabilities Sensor pallet electrical layout Sensor pallet sensors Aerodynamic test Project timeline
Major Design Considerations Multi-mission flexibility (Environmental Impact Assessment, Counter Drug, Counter Terrorism, Homeland Security, Resource Surveys, Environmental Surveys) Equipment and operational stability Ground-to-air deployment (< 2 hours) No aircraft modification C-130 minimal mission interference
Major Design Considerations – cont. Upgrade flexibility In-flight deployable Adequate space for various sensor configurations Standardized mounting and connection of systems Power usage supplied within provided limits of C-130
Sensor Platform Sensor Platform – Design Considerations C-130 accessible Deployment and electrical equipment Hanger storage Motion stability
Sensor Platform Rail System Layout Sensor Platform
Sensor Platform Pod Layout Sensor Platform
Sensor Platform Rail System Components Linear guide drive with actuator and motor controller Rail system plate Gear shaft drive with motor controller Shaft/Bearing alignment system Sensor Platform
Mechanical Arm and Pod - Design Considerations Accommodate multiple sensors (internal/external) Adequate space for various sensor configurations 360° field of view for sensors In-flight change-out or repair of sensors Internal and external real-estate for sensor placement Sensor Platform
Mechanical Arm and Pod – Incremental Movement Sensor Platform
Mechanical Arm and Pod – Incremental Articulation Sensor Platform
Mechanical Arm and Pod – FEA Analysis Restraints set along shaft supports Forces applied simulating drag Material type/thickness selection Sensor Platform
2 computer stations 3 electronic racks Climate control (Fan and vent unit, dehumidifier) Communication panels Power rectification Components Operator Station Direct or indirect lighting 2 operator seats, 1 observer seat 2 operator doors Slingable/Stackable box
Base pallet – AAR Mobility Systems Inc. Cost $5, Operator Station – Sea Box Inc. Cost $31, Manufacturer Total cost $ 36, Operator Station
Proposed Capabilities Sensor operation/control Data acquisition/interpretation Data storage Direct ground/ aircraft/ satellite communication Converter for power supply Operator Station
C-130 Power Capabilities
C-130 Power Distribution
Sensor Pallet Control
Sensor Pallet/Current Deployment FLIR (STAR Saphire) Cameras - Digital GECKO System NAVCOM [Others to be added] DoD Sensor Pod National Guard Sensor Pod Working with CaANG to establish
DoD Timeline
Responsiveness. Advanced technology shall be integrated into producible systems and deployed in the shortest time practicable. Approved, time- phased capability needs matched with available technology and resources enable evolutionary acquisition strategies. Evolutionary acquisition strategies are the preferred approach to satisfying operational needs. Spiral development is the preferred process for executing such strategies. DOD Directive “The Acquisition Process” May 2003 Spiral Development. In this process, a desired capability is identified, but the end-state requirements are not known at program initiation. Those requirements are refined through demonstration and risk management; there a continuous user feedback; and each increment provides the user the best possible capability. The requirements for future increments depend on feedback from users and technology maturation. DOD Instruction “Operation of the Defense Acquisition System” May 2003 Technology Consortium Acquisition Model
Contact Information NGB-CDX (404) (Maj. Michael Thomas) (404) (Dr. Melinda Higgins) DMC (404)