The Contaminated Sites Cleanup Process (18 AAC 75)
Cleanup Process – Overseen by ADEC A. Stop It 1. Initial Response (75.310) 2. Interim removal Action (75.330) B. Describe It 1. Site characterization (75.335) 2. Risk evaluation/cleanup levels ( ) C. Remediate It 1. Cleanup Plan (75.360) 2. Institutional Controls (75.375) D. Close It (75.380)
Immediate Response and Interim Removal Stop the immediate or current exposure
Step 1: Describe it – “assessment” or “characterization” What kind(s) of contamination? Where exactly is it? How could people, plants or animals come in contact with it?
Step 1: Describe it: Site Characterization Work plan
Step 2: Clean it up Most stringent levels Groundwater must meet Federal drinking water levels Risk-based cleanup levels: Are people or animals exposed? Land use – residential? industrial? subsistence use? Is the contamination spreading?
Step 3: Closure Once cleanup levels are met, the site is considered closed by DEC. If the strictest levels cannot be achieved conditions may be attached to the closure.
Before cleanup
Step 3: Closure
Before cleanup
Step 3: Closure Setting conditions
Step 3: Closure with Institutional Controls Institutional controls - examples Deed restrictions against drilling wells or transporting soil or groundwater off site. Responsible Party monitors contamination until cleanup levels are met. Responsible Party must maintain a fence around, or a cap over, an area of contamination